Economic Olympiad: Ultimate League for Mastery in Applied Economics (ULMA)

Welcome to the Ultimate League for Mastery in Applied Economics (ULMA)!

ULMA is a knowledge olympiad in the field of economics, conducted both locally in person at Ulm University and internationally online via Moodle. The olympiad covers topics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and finance.

Participants can be students from Ulm University, especially from the fields of Economics, Business Mathematics, Business Physics, and Business Chemistry, as well as students from other universities worldwide (Bachelor/Master/PhD).

Our goal is to motivate participants to refresh and apply their knowledge as well as foster interest and enthusiasm for economics. Through the international orientation of the olympiad, we also aim to strengthen intercultural understanding and the exchange between universities. We are confident that this olympiad will contribute to foster relations between students and teachers of universities, as well as provide an opportunity for the exchange of mutually beneficial scientific and practical knowledge and experience.

We look forward to your participation and wish you great success at ULMA!

Code of Conduct

The official languages of the Olympiad are German and English. The winners of the Olympiad are determined by the results of the points scored.

A student participating in the Olympiad is obliged to comply with these rules:

  1. A student may have writing utensils (pen, pencil) with him. All other things must be left in a specially designated place, including a mobile phone (turned off);
  2. Participants of the Olympiad have the right to use calculators;
  3. The student works only with tasks for solving problems within the framework of the Olympiad;
  4. Computers and webcams must be permanently connected to the Internet;
  5. During the Olympiad, students are not allowed to use mobile (and / or other) communication means 
  6. The duration of the Olympiad is 120 minutes.


In order to apply to the ULMA olympiad, each participant must register using the application form on this website containing the following information:

  • Full name
  • Your E-Mail address
  • University or affiliation
  • Course of study (e.g. Economics, Economics and Management, Finance, Mathematics, Econo-Mathematics, IT)
  • Level of study (Bachelor, Master or PhD)
  • Date of birth
  • Gender (male, female, divers)
  • E-Mail address of the registering teacher
Target Group

Students in Economics or comparable courses (B/M) 


Every year in the Winter term


06.12.2024 | 12:00 - 14:00 (CET)



Locally in H22 and internationally online via Moodle


Application Form

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Personal Data


Die im Formular von Ihnen angegebenen Daten werden von uns ausschließlich für die Beantwortung bzw. Umsetzung Ihrer Anfrage und zur Kontaktaufnahme verarbeitet. Für die Verarbeitung beziehen wir uns auf den Art. 6. Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO, sofern keine anderweitige gesetzliche Grundlage besteht. Eine Weitergabe an Dritte findet grundsätzlich nicht statt. Sie können Ihre erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen. Im Falle des Widerrufs werden Ihre Daten umgehend gelöscht. Ihre Daten werden ansonsten gelöscht, wenn wir Ihre Anfrage bearbeitet haben oder der Zweck der Speicherung entfallen ist. Sie können sich jederzeit über die zu Ihrer Person gespeicherten Daten informieren. Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz finden Sie auch in der Datenschutzerklärung dieser Webseite.


Luca David Cermak

Luca David Cermak
Luca David Cermak
Akademische Beschäftigte
Universität Ulm
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Helmholtzstraße 18
89081 Ulm
Raum: 1.28
Telefon: +49 731 50-23738

Simon Maier

Platzhalter Bild
Simon Maier
Akademische Beschäftigte
Universität Ulm
Institut für Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung
Helmholtzstraße 18
89081 Ulm
Raum: 1.29
Telefon: +49 731 50-32356