Data-Driven Search and Analysis of Research Software
M.Sc. Florian Sihler
While it is great to see people focusing their life to software engineering and other related fields in computer science, it is important to keep in mind that many of those who have to code or work with code specialize in other domains.
My current research focuses on helping these people with a non-programmer background, using a combination of static and dynamic program analysis. For this, I work on a hybrid dataflow analysis algorithm for the R programming language, which is commonly used for statistical analysis. My work received the YoungRSE award at the deRSE24 and the award for the best master's degree in the field of computer science at Ulm University. If you are interested, feel free to get in touch with me or check out the flowR repository on GitHub or my portfolio website.
Furthermore, I assist in teaching:
Useful Links
View the poster here (PDF). FlowR is actively developed on GitHub at flowr-analysis/flowr.

View the poster here (PDF, LaDeWi '24). You can try the game online at:

Topics for Theses and Projects
Dynamic and Static Program Analysis
![[RESERVED] B/M: Static Analysis for Reflective or Self Modifying Code (Sihler, Tichy)](/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.170/bilder/flowR/modifying-code-sample.png)
Most static analyzers rely on static dataflow analysis to detect problems like possible null pointer exceptions in code [5].
However, analyzers are usually unable to handle reflective or self-modifying code (e.g., Java Agents, Java Reflection, R's meta-functions [6]). While this is fine for languages in which such constructs are rare or discouraged, they are 1) used quite often in the R programming language, 2) are in-part essential to track program semantics, 3) pose an interesting problem to solve.
As a basis, we use the static program analysis framework flowR which is designed for the R programming language [3]. flowR is currently unable to deal with reflective and code-modifying constructs like eval, body, quote, and parse in its static dataflow graph.
While handling such constructs statically may be infeasible in the general case, we first want to focus on a set of common cases that appear frequently.
- Develop a concept to represent code-modifications and lazy evaluation (within flowR's dataflow graph). For example, to represent a function that has the default values of its arguments or the contents of its body modified.
- Create a proof of concept implementation for this concept in flowR.
Related Work and Further Reading
- K. Cooper and L Torczon. Engineering a Compiler. (ISBN: 978-0-12-818926-9)
- U. Khedker, A. Sanyal, and B. Sathe. Data Flow Analysis: Theory and Practice. (ISBN: 978-0-8493-3251-7)
- F. Sihler. Constructing a Static Program Slicer for R Programs.
- A. Ko and B. Myers. Finding causes of program output with the Java Whyline.
- SonarQube, Sonar.
- Anckaert, B., Madou, M., De Bosschere, K. A Model for Self-Modifying Code.
If you want to, you can have a first look at flowR for yourself:
Contact and More
If you are interested and/or have any questions, feel free to contact me any time.
We can discuss the topic further and try to adapt it to your personal preferences.
Florian Sihler (Institute Homepage)
![[RESERVED] B/M: Automatically Infer Code-Constraints (Sihler, Tichy)](/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.170/bilder/flowR/code-contracts.png)
Let's suppose you are a data scientist tasked with the analysis of a dataset. As an expert of the domain you have a quick look at the dataset and remember an older script by a colleague which already loads, prepares, and transforms the dataset as you want! Reusing it just leaves you with the task of visualizing the data (as is the common workflow) so you quickly write up and run the script... and luckily realize that even though the script runs and produces figures eerily close to what you would expect, something is not right. The dataset of your colleague never contained a zero so the script contains the implicit assumption of being just able to divide cells.
Within this work we want to make such implicit assumptions explicit in the code, alerting users whenever they no longer hold!
You have an R script together with the statically inferred dataflow graph that informs you about the control and data dependencies of function calls, variables, and definitions in the program.
The challenges are to
- identify points of interest at which the behavior of the program is defined,
- infer contracts that represent the potential implicit assumptions at the given position (e.g., that the value of a variable has to be non-zero, smaller than the length of another vector, ...), and
- instrument the code to automatically verify these constraints from now on.
Of course, the specific scope of these challenges as well as the focus depends on whether you want to do this as a bachelor's or master's thesis as well as your personal preference.
- Enrich flowR [4], a dataflow analysis framework for the R programming language, with the capability to infer predefined constraints
- Create an initial collection of sensible constraints to infer (e.g., non-zero values, ...)
- Infer these constraints and instrument the program to reflect them [5]
One way to infer such constraints would be the definition of abstract domains [1] although classical optimization techniques such as constant folding and constant propagation help as well [2, 3].
Related Work and Further Reading
- P. Cousot. Principles of Abstract Interpretation. (ISBN: 978-0-26-204490-5)
- K. Cooper and L Torczon. Engineering a Compiler. (ISBN: 978-0-12-818926-9)
- U. Khedker, A. Sanyal, and B. Sathe. Data Flow Analysis: Theory and Practice. (ISBN: 978-0-8493-3251-7)
- F. Sihler. Constructing a Static Program Slicer for R Programs.
- B. Meyer, Applying "Design by Contract"
If you want to, you can have a first look at flowR for yourself:
Contact and More
If you are interested and/or have any questions, feel free to contact me any time.
We can discuss the topic further and try to adapt it to your personal preferences.
Florian Sihler (Institute Homepage)

[2–6 Students] [AP SE] [PSE1] [PSE2] [German version below]
Static analysis refers to the examination of programs for runtime properties without actually executing them.
It is an integral part of modern software development and aids in identifying bugs, security vulnerabilities, or improving readability.
Compilers use static analysis to, for example, avoid type errors or generate the most optimal code possible.
Development environments or language servers leverage static analysis to enable features such as refactoring or auto-completion.
In this project, we focus on flowR, a framework for the static analysis of R, a statistical programming language widely used in data analysis and visualization.
A detailed analysis of data and control flow enables flowR to, for instance, reduce a program to only the parts relevant for generating a graphic or computing a statistical model (a technique known as Program Slicing).
About flowR
Currently, flowR can be used and tested as a Visual Studio Code extension, RStudio add-in, or directly as a Docker image.
flowR is developed primarily in TypeScript under the GPLv3 license and is hosted on GitHub.
Documentation is provided through a dedicated Wiki and directly in the code.
In this project, we aim to extend flowR with support for R projects.
While the analysis of individual and multiple scripts is already supported, this includes in particular:
- Integration with build systems like renv
- Consideration of metadata such as DESCRIPTION or NAMESPACE files
- Support for incremental updates (e.g., when individual files change)
- Resolving package relationships and dependencies
This would enable flowR to be used in larger projects and, for instance, analyze the data flow while accounting for correct package dependencies.
German Version
Statische Programm-Analyse für Projekte
Statische Analyse bezeichnet die Untersuchung von Programmen auf Laufzeiteigenschaften ohne diese tatsächlich auszuführen. Sie ist ein integraler Bestandteil moderner Softwareentwicklung und hilft beim Identifizieren von Fehlern, Sicherheitslücken oder dem Verbessern der Lesbarkeit. Compiler verwenden statische Analyse beispielsweise, um Typfehler zu vermeiden oder möglichst optimalen Code zu generieren. Entwicklungsumgebungen oder Language Server verwenden statische Analyse, um Ihre Funktionalität wie Refactorings oder Autovervollständigung zu realisieren.
In diesem Projekt widmen wir uns flowR, einem Framework für die statische Analyse von R, einer statistischen Programmiersprache die häufig in der Datenanalyse und -visualisierung eingesetzt wird. Eine ausgiebige Analyse des Daten- und Kontrollflusses ermöglicht es flowR beispielsweise ein Programm nur auf die Teile zu reduzieren, die für die Generierung einer Grafik oder die Berechnung eines statistischen Modells relevant sind (das sogenannte Program Slicing).
Über flowR
Aktuell kann flowR als Erweiterung für Visual Studio Code und RStudio, sowie direkt als Docker Image verwendet und ausprobiert werden.
flowR wird unter der GPLv3 Lizenz auf Github hauptsächlich in der Programmiersprache TypeScript entwickelt. Die Dokumentation erfolgt über ein dediziertes Wiki und direkt im Code.
Im Anwendungsprojekt wollen wir flowR um eine Unterstützung für R Projekte zu erweitern.
Während die Analyse von einzelnen und auch mehreren Skripten bereits unterstützt wird, zählt hierzu insbesondere die:
- Integration von Build-Systemen wie renv
- Berücksichtigung von Metadaten wie DESCRIPTION oder NAMESPACE Dateien
- Unterstützung von inkrementellen Aktualisierungen (z.B. wenn sich einzelne Dateien ändern)
- Auflösung von Paketbeziehungen und Abhängigkeiten
Auf diese Weise kann flowR auch in größeren Projekten eingesetzt werden und beispielsweise den Datenfluss unter der Berücksichtigung der richtigen Paketabhängigkeiten analysieren.
Supervised and Completed Theses
Master Theses

This thesis covers the development and evaluation of a novel way to determine coverage scores for the R programming language. We calculate a static backward program slice for all assertion criteria of a given test suite and use this information together with coverage information to determine the coverage of the tested code.
Testing software is a crucial part of the development process. However, determining when the software is sufficiently tested is an impossible task. Code coverage metrics aim to be a decision-making aid in this regard. But research shows, that they can be deceptive and in fact do not necessarily reflect the quality of a testsuite.
We propose slicing coverage as a novel approach that aims to enhance the accuracy of coverage scores by calculating them based on the program slice resulting from the test’s assertion criteria. We also provide a proof-of-concept implementation for the R programming language. Alongside the theoretical concept and a practical implementation, we evaluate our approach on a set of real-world R packages to demonstrate its potential benefits.
To calculate slicing coverage, we combine regular coverage information with the result of a static backward program slice for all assertions. This way, we can exclude code that was executed but had no influence on the test’s outcome, or in other words: code that was not checked by a assertion. To evaluate slicing coverage, we use two distinct experiments that i) record both slicing coverage and regular coverage scores, as well as execution time and memory usage, and ii) calculate the accuracy of slicing coverage by deliberately inserting faults into a program and measuring how many the test suite is able to detect.
Despite its potential benefits, slicing coverage’s results are inherently limited by the quality of the program slicer and coverage tool used. We also carry over some limitations of traditional coverage metrics like the inherent performance overhead. Besides those conceptual limitations, we also face practical challenges like our implementation being unable to handle implicit assumptions that are not directly encoded in the source or test code.
We find that, for the median package, the traditional and slicing coverage scores differ by 19.53 %, with the slicing coverage score being lower. The median slicing coverage score over all packages lies at 44.09 %.
With regards to memory usage, we deem our slicing coverage implementation to not be a burden on the user’s system, as, for the median package, our implementation only required 384.36 MB of memory. The maximum required memory peaked at 2.11 GB . With regards to the execution time, we come to a different conclusion. The median is, again, reasonable with 85.46 s. However, the average and maximum of 35.01 min and 11.74 h respectively show that there are outliers that require a significant amount of time.
With regards to slicing coverage’s accuracy, we find that mutants introduced in covered code are detected more often than mutants inside the program slice (p = 0.0212). This indicates that slicing coverage’s accuracy is lower than traditional coverage.
flowR: A Static Program Slicer for R
ASE '24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Tool Demonstrations)
Oktober 2024
DOI: | 10.1145/3691620.3695359 |
Improving the Comprehension of R Programs by Hybrid Dataflow Analysis
ASE '24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Doctoral Symposium)
Oktober 2024
DOI: | 10.1145/3691620.3695603 |
Exploring the Effectiveness of Abstract Syntax Tree Patterns for Algorithm Recognition
4. International Conference on Code Quality (ICCQ)
Juni 2024
DOI: | 10.1109/ICCQ60895.2024.10576984 |
ISBN: | 979-8-3503-6646-4 |
On the Anatomy of Real-World R Code for Static Analysis
21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR '24)
Januar 2024
DOI: | 10.1145/3643991.3644911 |
Datei: |
GenCodeSearchNet: A Benchmark Test Suite for Evaluating Generalization in Programming Language Understanding
GenBench 2023 Workshop
Oktober 2023
DOI: | 10.48550/arXiv.2311.09707 |
M.Sc. Florian Sihler

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11