Please note:
From 14 - 17 April 2025 the office is closed.
All at a glance
Acceptance as a doctoral candidate
All doctoral students who were accepted by the doctoral committee after March 30, 2018, are required to enroll. Please read this information sheet carefully (information only in german).
Full-time employees at the university can apply to be exempted from the requirement to matriculate. To enroll, please contact the university's study office.
For enrolment, please contact the university's Admissions Office. Link
In the case of candidates with a foreign university degree, the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate can only be accepted if the equivalence of their degree or the university itself has been determined. To do this, in addition to the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you must submit the following to the doctoral office:
- Original or certified certificates (Bachelor's certificate and Master's certificate in the original language as well as a German or English translation)
- a detailed list of the examination results (e.g. transcript of records) in the original language and in a German or English translation
An equivalency check can take up to 3 months in individual cases. It is therefore recommended to apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate as early as possible. In accordance with the doctoral regulations, the doctoral committee can determine supplementary work if necessary.
Only after acceptance as a doctoral candidate the enrollment by the study administration office may happen for a maximum of 5 years.
Please submit the following documents for acceptance as a doctoral candidate:
- Request for admission as doctoral candidate (with matriculation number; University relocation or foreign applicants: Registration number)
- certified master’s certificate
Please note: incomplete applications and applications with incomplete documents will not be processed!
In order to avoid plagiarism and falsification of data in research, there are basic and helpful principles that all researchers should know and be able to apply.
The statutes adopted by the Ulm University can be found here.
ProTrainU offers a free workshop for this purpose in order to inform (prospective) scientists about ethical and legal guidelines and to increase awareness of good scientific work with the help of practical examples.
It is advisable to take part in this workshop in order to familiarize yourself with the working methods of Good Scientific Practice at an early stage.
Please register for the relevant course. link
Information on secrecy agreements for externally conducted doctorates can be found here.
Information and documents on the opening of the doctoral procedure in accordance with the RPO of July 25th 2019 and FSPO of June 14th 2021
General information and downloads
Ulm University has committed itself and its members to the Principles of Good Scientific Practice. The university has adopted the Statutes for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice in order to document these principles and how it deals with scientific misconduct.
These principles and guidelines for safeguarding Good Scientific Practice are to be observed by all scientists, and early career researchers at Ulm University.
More information to be found here.
To § 5 Abs. 3 Satz 3 RPO professional qualification of the supervisor
(1) To determine the professional suitability of the supervisor, the following documents must be submitted, based on which the doctoral committee decides on the professional suitability:
- Application for appointment as a supervisor
- a curiculum vitae
- a list of publications with details of the third-party fundraising
- Sketch of the planned research project
(2) a decision has already been made on the suitability of a supervisor in accordance with § 5 Abs. 3 Satz 3 RPO, and if this person is to be reappointed as the supervisor of a doctoral procedure, then, only the submission of a sketch of the planned research project is required.
On § 5 Abs. 3 Satz 3 1c) 2nd HS: special academic achievements by junior researchers who have a doctorate and who work full-time at the university
Indicators for special scientific achievements and full-time postdoctoral researchers at the university are, in particular, funding in an externally assessed program (such as the Margarete von Wrangell scholarship) to gain habitation or the activity in setting up a junior research group (e.g. Emmy Noether Fellows ).
Helpful Services at the university
Announcements of Doctoral Graduations
The following doctorates for obtaining the Dr. rer. nat. take place: