ULESS (Ulm Laboratory for Economics and Social Sciences) – Computer laboratory for experiments in economics

ULESS (Ulm Laboratory for Economics and Social Sciences) – Computer laboratory for experiments in economics

In the computer laboratory ULESS (https://www.uni-ulm.de/mawi/uless/ ) we conduct research in the field of experimental economics.

Experimental economics is a method that allows us to analyse individual decision making in economic situations. Also other disciplines use experiments in their research. Experiments contribute to interdisciplinary and innovative research.

We investigated how individuals’ self-assessments depend on whether the accuracy of the self-assessment is observable to others and discovered significant gender differences. In our study participants solve arithmetic problems  and based on their performance we determine a ranking.  Participants then estimate their rank in the ranking. We find that women downgrade

their self-assessment given observability, while men do not.

Women seem to avoid the shame they may have if others observe that they overestimated themselves.

For real life situations one can imagine a job interview in which one has to assess one’s (relative) performance in the new job and one’s true performance later becomes apparent.  Shame aversion of women may then induce women to make less confident statements about their abilities (compared to men) to avoid overestimating their abilities. Thus, shame aversion may shed light on why women are less successful on the labor market.


Ludwig, S., Fellner-Röhling, G. and C. Thoma (2017). „Do women have more shame than men? An experiment on self-assessment and the shame of overestimating oneself,” European Economic Review 92, 31-46. 


In another project we investigate the effect of social information on self-assessment. People often fail to correctly self-asses their ability or performance. Specifically, individuals tend to be overconfident concerning their absolute and relative performance. Biased self-assessments can have severe consequences when they inform individual decision making. Thus, it is important to find effective debiasing strategies. We focus on the effect of informational nudges, more precisely, on the responsiveness of individual’s relative self-assessments to social information.

Our study is the first approach to investigate the effect of social information on self-assessments. Social information is pervasive in everyday life and has become increasingly available in a digitized and connected economy.

In our study we compare the effectiveness of different types of social information: participants either learn their close peers' average absolute performance, average self-assessment or average bias of self-assessments. Our results suggest that social information can help debiasing self-assessments, but not all types of information are equally effective. Only learning about the average bias of peers improves own self-assessments.

If participants can choose which kind of social information they want to receive, they mostly prefer (self-relevant) information about their peers' absolute performance, which is the least helpful type of social information. Consequently, social information may not improve self-assessments.

Computerterminals im Labor, ULESS

Other Topics from the faculty of Mathematics and Economics

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The study is available as a complete document and as a summary.

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How social and mobile technologies can help

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