Tobias Wagner, M. Sc.

In 2019, after Tobias Wagner graduated from Ulm University with a Bachelor's degree in Media Informatics with a thesis titled "Adaptive AR Interfaces Via EEG", he joined the Human-Computer Interaction research group as a research assistant. While completing his Master's degree in Media Informatics at Ulm University, he worked on several research projects in personal fabrication and gaze-based interaction in teaching. With his Master's thesis titled "Effects of Attention Guiding in Lecture Videos via Implicit and Explicit-Based Visual Pointers" Tobias completed his Master's degree in September 2022.
Currently, Tobias is PhD at the Institute of Media Informatics at Ulm University, researching technology-enhanced teaching and learning using gaze-based interactive systems.

Research interests

  • Learning Technology
  • Gaze-based Interaction & Systems
  • Eye-Tracking

Scientific Activities

  • Reviewer: CHI'25, CHI'24, ETRA'24, CHI PLAY'24, MuC'24, CHI'23, ETRA'23, MobileHCI'23, VRST'23, MuC'23
  • Student Volunteer: MuC'24, CHI'23


  • Research Trends for Media Informatics Winter Term 2022/23
  • Project User-Centered Design for Interactive Systems since Summer Term 2023
  • Project Human-Computer-Interaction since Summer Term 2023
  • Applied Subject Design-Thinking for Interactive Systems since Summer Term 2023

Learning languages with subtitles in TV shows

Learning and Teaching in Remote Settings

I'm happy to supervise theses with a focus on gaze-based interactive systems for teaching and learning. I am always open to your suggestions in this area.
Don't hesitate to contact me via email if you are interested.


T. Wagner, M. Colley, D. Breckel, M. Kösel and E. Rukzio, "UnitEye: Introducing a User-Friendly Plugin to Democratize Eye Tracking Technology in Unity Environments", Mensch und Computer 2024, Joint First Authors, cond. accepted, Sep. 2024.
E. Stemasov, T. Wagner, A. Askari, J. Janek, O. Rajabi, A. Schikorr, J. Frommel, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "DungeonMaker: Embedding Tangible Creation and Destruction in Hybrid Board Games through Personal Fabrication Technology" in Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2024, Honolulu, 11-16 May 2024, New York, NY, USA: ACM, May 2024, pp. 20.
M. Sauter, T. Wagner, T. Hirzle, B. Xin Lin, E. Rukzio and A. Huckauf, "Behind the Screens: Exploring Eye Movement Visualization to Optimize Online Teaching and Learning", Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023, 2023.
T. Wagner, T. Hirzle, A. Huckauf and E. Rukzio, "Exploring Gesture and Gaze Proxies to Communicate Instructor’s Nonverbal Cues in Lecture Videos", In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23), 2023.
P. Hock, M. Colley, A. Askari, T. Wagner, M. Baumann and E. Rukzio, "Introducing VAMPIRE -- Using Kinaesthetic Feedback in Virtual Reality for Automated Driving Experiments", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’22) Joint First Authors, Sep. 2022. ACM.
T. Hirzle, M. Sauter, T. Wagner, S. Hummel, E. Rukzio and A. Huckauf, "Attention of Many Observers Visualized by Eye Movements", ETRA '22: 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Jun. 2022.
M. Sauter, T. Hirzle, T. Wagner, S. Hummel, E. Rukzio and A. Huckauf, "Can Eye Movement Synchronicity Predict Test Performance With Unreliably-Sampled Data in an Online Learning Context?", ETRA '22: 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Jun. 2022.
M. Sauter, T. Wagner and A. Huckauf, "Distance between gaze and laser pointer predicts performance in video-based e-learning independent of the presence of an on-screen instructor", ETRA '22: 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Jun. 2022.
E. Stemasov, T. Wagner, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "ShapeFindAR: Exploring In-Situ Spatial Search for Physical Artifact Retrieval using Mixed Reality", In Proc. of CHI 2022 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), May 2022. ACM,
P. Hock, M. Colley, A. Askari, T. Wagner, M. Baumann and E. Rukzio, "Introducing VAMPIRE—Using Kinaesthetic Feedback in Virtual Reality for Automated Driving Experiments" in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 2022, pp. 204—214.
E. Stemasov, T. Wagner, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "Mix&Match: Towards Omitting Modelling through In-Situ Alteration and Remixing of Model Repository Artifacts in Mixed Reality", In Proc. of CHI 2020 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Apr. 2020. ACM,
D. Wolf, T. Wagner and E. Rukzio, "Low-Cost Real-Time Mental Load Adaptation for Augmented Reality Instructions - A Feasibility Study", In Adj. Proc. of ISMAR 2019 (2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), Oct. 2019. IEEE.