How to find ... Ulm University

The city of Ulm/Neu-Ulm is located in Southern Germany in the middle between the cities of Stuttgart and Munich.

Ulm University was founded as a university of medicine and natural sciences in 1967. It is located on a hill called Oberer Eselsberg. The rooms of the workshop are located at the east part of the university called Universität Breich Ost. Bus stops are marked with H and parking lots with P. For a map with room numbers see our Map of the Area (room numbers not available yet - depending on number of participants, we might switch rooms).

A list of accommodations in the city of Ulm/Neu-Ulm located near favourable bus connections can be found here. Cost of accommodations will be the responsibility of each participant.

Public transport
All accommodation facilities are easy to reach by local public transportation (buses no. 3 and no. 6 ). Buses from the city center and main train station to the University leave every 10 minutes.

Flight connections
The closest international airports are Stuttgart (2 hours by train to Ulm main station), Munich (2,5 hours), and Frankfurt (2,5 hours). While long distance trains stop at Frankfurt Airport directly, you need to change trains at the main station if you fly to Stuttgart or Munich.

Train connections
Train connections from all over Europe and from the airport can be looked up and booked at train. (Please enter "Flughafen" after the name of the city in order to find train connections from airports.)


  • kiz Sekretariat & Geschäftsstelle
  • Universität Ulm
    Phone : +49-(0)731-50-22502
    Fax :     +49-(0)731-50-1222471
  • Standort Universität Ost
    Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
    O26, Raum 5209
