Quantum Engineering

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Quantum Engineering

Would you like to pursue research in quantum technologies and develop quantum devices for applications in daily life as well as in Earth and space observation? Then the Quantum Engineering (QE) Master’s program at Ulm University may be the perfect fit for you!
Quantum physics has been observed experimentally and its phenomena researched for more than 100 years. Only recently have quantum technologies matured sufficiently to make technological implementation feasible at the industrial scale.

Worum geht es in diesem Studiengang?

The aim of this master programme is to

  • provide a comprehensive education and hands-on research in quantum engineering and relative miniaturization methods,
  • prepare students to design, realize and test quantum systems for quantum enabled sensing, computing and navigation,
  • train the next generation of scientists in the interdisciplinary field of quantum technologies.

Students enrolling in the two year Master's programme will complete interdisciplinary lectures in quantum engineering, and may choose specialisation courses from the vast offer of quantum physics and engineering modules available at our university. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to carry out research at the academic level by completing an independent research project, or can choose to do an internship in an external institute or industry.

For further information, please check our website: Quantum Engineering

Art des Studiums

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  • Vollzeit
Informationen zur Bewerbung

Informationen für Bewerber

  • Start jeweils zum Sommer- und Wintersemester
  • englisch
  • keine Zulassungsbeschränkung
ECTS Credits


Regelstudienzeit (in Semestern)



Perfectly equipped

Our laboratories and classrooms are top of the range. Because if you want to make a difference tomorrow, you should study with todays most advanced methodology.

Study objectives and syllabus

Objectives and Syllabus:
At the beginning of the programme, students complete courses from an adaptation area, the scope and content of which is determined by whether admission to the master's programme is based on a bachelor's degree in physics or in engineering. The adaptation area is designed to provide students from diverse backgrounds with the skills necessary to successfully complete the master's programme. In addition to the interdisciplinary core courses in quantum engineering, students can select advanced courses from the extensive range of quantum physics and engineering modules. 

In the second year, students have the opportunity to conduct research at the academic level by completing an independent research project, or they can complete an internship at an external institute or in industry. Alternatively, students can apply for an exchange programme and spend the third semester abroad at a partner university. Students complete this strongly research-oriented programme with the 6-month Master's Thesis.

Knowledge: graduates have in-depth and extensive knowledge of engineering, physics and quantum technologies. Thus, they are qualified for scientific work and responsible positions in their professional careers. They possess a critical mindset towards newer developments in their discipline.

Skills: graduates will be able to

  • apply innovative approaches to solve fundamental problems and develop new scientific methods in the emerging field of quantum technologies;
  • develop conceptual designs and solutions to complex, sometimes unusual, problems in interdisciplinary areas;
  • create and develop new products, processes, and methods.


How to apply

For more information click here

Cutting edge research collaborations 

For example DLR Institute for Quantum Technologies (German Aerospace Center)

Study abroad

A great way to broaden your horizons in a subject area is to study at a foreign university. Students at Ulm University can apply for one or two semesters abroad at numerous universities, both throughout Europe as part of the ERASMUS programme and outside Europe. If lectures are not required, internships and theses at other universities are also possible.

Ulm University has exchange agreements with over 100 universities in 26 countries.
International Office

International Office

Exchange opportunities offered by the Department of Physics

Basketballspiel beim Hochschulsport der Uni Ulm

BMT-Studierende beim Baksetballspielen.

Studierendengruppe vor der Stadtmauer in Ulm

Studierende auf dem Weg zur Exkursion.


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Professional Prospects

The University of Ulm is located in the heart of a region whose companies possess a strong technological and industrial orientation both in its immediate vicinity as well as in the surrounding areas. You will find medium-sized companies that are global leaders in their respective markets as well as local subsidiaries and headquarters of major global concerns such as Bosch, Daimler,  IBM, Liebherr, Siemens or Zeiss. These companies maintain their international leadership position by closely following trends in scientific research in order to develop cutting-edge innovative products. As a result, they compete for graduates in their high-demand technological fields.

Regardless of their background and chosen subspecialty, all graduates of the Master’s Programme in Quantum Engineering of the University of Ulm will encounter excellent career opportunities both locally and internationally. The university maintains a robust working relationship with the aforementioned and other companies and students of the engineering sciences have many opportunities to acquire practical experience through voluntary internships and work-study positions.

Studying and living in Ulm

Welcome to the most liveable city in Germany. In Albert Einstein's birthplace, science, leisure, top employers and culture come together in a unique way. Top locations and events such as the Ulmer Zelt, Nabada or the Donaufest attract visitors to the quaint streets. You feel at home here!

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