M.Sc. Nicolas Wagner


PhD Thesis

Embedded Aigaion Query

Cooperative Multi-User Interaction in Spoken Dialogue Systems

Research Interests

  • Multi-User Dialogue Management
  • Multimodal Dialogue Systems
  • Statistical Dialogue Management

Embedded Aigaion Query2023

N. Wagner, M. Kraus, N. Lindemann and W. Minker
Comparing Multi-User Interaction Strategies in Human-Robot Teamwork
In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS '23), Springer, 2023


N. Wagner, M. Kraus, T. Tonn and W. Minker
Comparing Moderation Strategies in Group Chats with Multi-User Chatbots
In Proceedings of the fourth ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’22), ACM, 2022

M. Kraus, N. Wagner, N. Untereiner and W. Minker
Including Social Expectations for Trustworthy Proactive Human-Robot Dialogue
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’22), ACM, 2022

M. Kraus, N. Wagner, W. Minker, A. Agrawal, A. Schmidt, P. Prasad and W. Ertel
KURT: A Household Assistance Robot Capable of Proactive Dialogue
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022), ACM/IEEE, 2022

M. Kraus, N. Wagner and W. Minker
ProDial – An Annotated Proactive Dialogue Act Corpus for Conversational Assistants using Crowdsourcing
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), ELRA, 2022


M. Kraus, B. Ludwig, W. Minker and N. Wagner
Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, De Gruyter, In: G. Görz, U. Schmid and T. Braun (Eds.) 6, Chapter 20, pp. 859-906, 2021

J. Miehle, N. Wagner, W. Minker and S. Ultes
Culture-Aware Dialogue Management for Conversational Assistants
Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade, Springer Singapore, Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 704, pp. 103--115, 2021

M. Kraus, N. Wagner and W. Minker
Modelling and Predicting Trust for Developing Proactive DialogueStrategies in Mixed-Initiative Interaction
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2021

F. Babel, J. Kraus, L. Miller, M. Kraus, N. Wagner, W. Minker and M. Baumann
Small talk with a robot? The impact of dialog content, talk initiative, and gaze behavior of a social robot on trust, acceptance, and proximity
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021

M. Kraus, N. Wagner, Z. Callejas and W. Minker
The Role of Trust in Proactive Conversational Assistants
IEEE Access, 2021

Z. Callejas, D. Griol, K. Benghazi, M. Noguera, M. Torres, R. Justo, A. Esposito, G. Cordasco, R. Bond, M. Mulvenna, E. Ennis, S. O'Neal, H. Zheng, M. Kraus, N. Wagner, W. Minker, G. McConvey, M. Hemmje, M. Fuchs, N. Glackin and G. Chollet
Towards conversational technology to promote, monitor and protect mental health
IberSpeech, 2021


A. Benitez-Guijarro, R. Bond, F. Booth, Z. Callejas, E. Ennis, A. Esposito, M. Kraus, G. McConvey, M. McTear, M. Mulvenna, C. Potts, L. Pragst, R. Turkington, N. Wagner and H. Zheng
Co-creating requirements and assessing end-user acceptability of a voice-based chatbot to support mental health: A thematic analysis of a living lab workshop
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology, Madrid, Spain, 2020

M. Kraus, N. Wagner and W. Minker
Effects of Proactive Dialogue Strategies on Human-Computer Trust
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2020), Genoa, Italy, 2020
Link to Document


N. Wagner, M. Kraus, N. Rach and W. Minker
How to address humans: System barge-in in multi-user HRI
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems Technology (IWSDS 2019), Siracusa (Sicily, Italy), 2019

Open Topics

Ich betreue gerne Bachelor und Master Arbeiten aus dem Bereich meines Promotionsthemas. Wenn du interessiert bist oder einen Vorschlag hast, schreibe mir einfach eine E-Mail.

I gladly supervise bachelor's and master's theses within my PhD topic. Just write an email if you are interested or have a proposal.

In Progress / Completed

Embedded Aigaion Query2022

Master Thesis
Integration of Engagement Estimation in Multi-User Spoken Dialogue Systems


Master Thesis
Multi-User Group Interaction With Chatbots

Master Thesis
Multi-User Recommender Systems in Human-Robot Interaction


Bachelor Thesis
Multi-User Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction

Teaching Assistance

Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Humanoid Robots as Cognitive Systems, SS 2018

Benutzerschnittstellen, SS 2019

Dialogue Systems, WS 2020/2021

Projects and Seminars

Dialogue Systems Project, WS 2019/2020, WS 2020/2021, WS 2021/2022

Seminar Research Trends in Dialogue Systems, WS 2019/2020, WS 2020/2021

Seminar Dialogue Systems, WS 2020/2021