Dr.-Ing. Katharina Schilling, geb. Mir

rgtabs: Main Menue

Research Topics
  • Bio-Informationtheory (see InKoMBio)
  • FOG Project: Finding new overlapping genes and their theory
    • Statistical properties of overlapping genes
    • Barcodes for Next Generation Sequencing
  • Steffen Schober and Katharina Mir.
    "Inference of Boolean networks using spectral techniques."
    In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, TICSP Series, pages 147-151, Aarhus, Denmark, June 2009.
  • Steffen Schober, Katharina Mir and Martin Bossert.
    "Reconstruction of Boolean genetic regulatory networks consisting of canalyzing or low sensitivity functions."
    In Proc 8th ITG International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC'10), 2010. Accepted at the 8th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC'10).
  • Steffen Schober, Katharina Mir, Klaus Neuhaus and Martin Bossert. "Design of Short Barcodes for Next Generation Sequencing of DNA and RNA", IEEE GENSIPS 2012.
  • Katharina Mir and Steffen Schober. "Investigation of genetic code optimality for overlapping protein coding sequences." In Proc. 8th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), Bremen, Germany, August 2014.
  • Katharina Mir, Klaus Neuhaus, Siegfried Scherer, Martin Bossert and Steffen Schober
    "Predicting Statistical Properties of Open Reading Frames in Bacterial Genomes."
    In PLoS ONE 7(9): e45103. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045103 (2012)
  • Katharina Mir, Klaus Neuhaus, Martin Bossert and Steffen Schober
    "Short Barcodes for Next Generation Sequencing."
    In PLoS ONE 8(12): e82933. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082933 (2013)
  • Katharina Mir and Steffen Schober. "Selection Pressure in Alternative Reading Frames." PLoS ONE, 9(10):e108768, October 2014.
Master Thesis

Rekonstruktion Boolscher Netze mit spektralen Techniken, Ulm University, 2008/09.

  • Theory of Digital Networks (English), teaching assistant of the lecture course, summer term 2009
  • Signale und Systeme (German), teaching assistant of the lecture course, winter term 2010/2011
  • Informations- und Systemtheorie in den Lebenswissenschaften, teaching assistant of the lecture course, summer term 2011
  • Signale und Systeme (German), teaching assistant of the lecture course, winter term 2011/2012
  • Einführung in die Nachrichtentechnik (German), teaching assistant of the lecture course, winter term 2012/2013
  • Information Theory and Biology (English), teaching assistant of the lecture course, summer term 2013
  • Einführung in die Nachrichtentechnik (German), teaching assistant of the lecture course, winter term 2013/2014
Supervised Theses
  • Axel Mueller. On the Information Content of Functionally Similar Amino Acids. Master thesis, 2010.
  • Juliana Miehle. Untersuchung von überlappenden Genen mit Hilfe Interpolierter Markov Modelle. Bachelor thesis, 2013.


Dr.-Ing. Katharina Schilling, geb. Mir

Katharina Schilling, geb. Mir
Dr.-Ing. Katharina Schilling, geb. Mir
Ulm University
Institute of Communications Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Allee 43
89081 Ulm