Dialogue Systems - Teaching Services

The Dialogue Systems Group offers Teaching Services in Engineering, Computer, Computational and Economic Sciences, as well as Psychology:


Conversational AI

  • Former: Dialogue Systems
  • Lecture
  • Winter Term
  • language: German
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 3V / 0Ü / 0P / 0 Pr / 1S


  • Lab Course
  • Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Communication and Information Technology, Elektrotechnik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 0V / 0Ü / 1P / 0Pr / 0S

Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen

  • Lecture
  • Summer Term
  • Language: German
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik, Computational Science and Engineering
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • 2V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S

Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen

Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen für Ingenieure

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen


Conversational AI

  • Former: Dialogue Systems
  • Lecture
  • Winter Term
  • Language: German
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik, Computational Science and Engineering
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • 3V / 0Ü / 0P / 0 Pr / 1S


  • Lab Course
  • Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Communication and Information Technology, Elektrotechnik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 0V / 0Ü / 1P / 0Pr / 0S

Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen

  • Lecture
  • Summer Term
  • Language: German
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • 2V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S

Projekt Dialogsysteme

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Projekt Dialogsysteme

Projekt Dialogsysteme (erweitert)

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Projekt Dialogsysteme (erweitert)

Projekt Dialogsysteme für Ingenieure

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Communication and Information Technology, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Dialogsysteme für Ingenieure

Project Dialogue Systems

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: English
  • Cognitive Systems
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an e-mail to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Project Dialogue Systems

Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen für Ingenieure

  • Project
  • Winter and Summer Term
  • Language: German or English
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Informationssystemtechnik
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 2Pr / 0S
  • Application anytime, send an email to ds(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, Subject: Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen

Seminar Conversational AI- Research Trends

  • Seminar
  • Winter Term
  • Language: English
  • Informatik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Medieninformatik, Software Engineering
  • 0V / 0Ü / 0P / 0Pr / 2S

Completed Dialogue Systems Projects (2014 - Summer Term 2023)

Embedded Aigaion Query2023

Dialogue Systems Project
Comparison of hand-crafted and deep learning features for depression detection by speech
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
Concept Development of a Collaborative Multi-User Study using AR Glasses
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Dialogue Systems Project
Detection of False Arguments in an Argumentative Dialogue System (2/2)
Student: Konstantin Mosunov
Supervisor: Annalena Aicher

Dialogue Systems Project
Emergent leadership recognition and dominance evaluation using audio cues only (2/2)
Student: Nikita Khmelev
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Entwicklung einer Android-Anwendung für ein asynchrones Sprachdialogsystem
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Dialogue Systems Project
Improving natural-language text classification in challenging conditions (2/2)
Student: Kirill Abrosimov
Supervisor: Nikita Mamaev

Dialogue Systems Project
Stress detection using attention mechanism based on audio deep learning features (2/2)
Student: Maxim Ryazanov
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
Stress detection using attention mechanism based on video deep learning features (2/2)
Student: Ekaterina Shangina
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
The Combination of Retrieval and Generative Approaches for the Contextualized Dialogue Modeling (2/2)
Student: Pavel Posokhov
Supervisor: Sergei Masluchin

Dialogue Systems Project
Time-continuous dominance estimation using visual social cues (2/2)
Student: Philipp Shemetov
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Embedded Aigaion Query2022

Dialogue Systems Project
Analysis of a Multi-User Chatbot Interaction
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Dialogue Systems Project
Detection of False Arguments in an Argumentative Dialogue System (1/2)
Student: Konstantin Mosunov
Supervisor: Annalena Aicher

Dialogue Systems Project
Dominance ranking during the group discussion (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Emergent leadership recognition and dominance evaluation using audio cues only (1/2)
Student: Nikita Khmelev
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Extending a Chatbot for the Interaction with a Dynamic Number of Users
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Dialogue Systems Project
Feature generation based on Genetic Programming user's state recognition tasks (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
Improving natural-language text classification in challenging conditions (1/2)
Student: Kirill Abrosimov
Supervisor: Nikita Mamaev

Dialogue Systems Project
Stress detection using attention mechanism based on audio deep learning features (1/2)
Student: Maxim Ryazanov
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
Stress detection using attention mechanism based on video deep learning features (1/2)
Student: Ekaterina Shangina
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
The attention mechanism for emotion recognition system (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
The Combination of Retrieval and Generative Approaches for the Contextualized Dialogue Modeling (1/2)
Student: Pavel Posokhov
Supervisor: Sergei Masluchin

Dialogue Systems Project
Time-continuous dominance estimation using visual social cues (1/2)
Student: Philipp Shemetov
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Time-continuous engagement recognition by sequences of social signals during human-robot interaction (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Embedded Aigaion Query2021

Dialogue Systems Project
Assessment of the mood of users by voice in argumentative dialogue systems (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Annalena Aicher

Dialogue Systems Project
Deep neural networks audio-based emotion recognition in naturalistic conversations (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Dialogue Systems Project
Expressive and emotional speech generation (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Investigation of video-based features on time-continuous emotion recognition (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Denis Dresvyanskiy

Dialogue Systems Project
Multi-User Group Chat Interaction with a Chatbot
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Dialogue Systems Project
Speech transcriptions for emotion recognition in naturalistic conversations (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Danila Mamontov

Embedded Aigaion Query2020

Dialogue Systems Project
Automatic assessment of the quality of arguments based on vector representations of words and semantic relations (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Annalena Aicher

Dialogue Systems Project
Contextual text-based emotion recognition as a part of time-continuous multimodal system (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
Elaborateness of Utterances in an Argumentative Dialogue System
Supervisor: Niklas Rach

Dialogue Systems Project
Exploring data augmentation for evaluating semantic similarity (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Annalena Aicher

Dialogue Systems Project
Implementation of a Web Application for Data Collection of Proactive Dialogues
Supervisor: Matthias Kraus

Dialogue Systems Project
Implementation of machine-learning algorithms for proactive dialogue systems
Supervisor: Matthias Kraus

Dialogue Systems Project
Multicultural text-based emotion recognition (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
RecipeDSS: Multi-User Decision Support System using a Spoken Dialogue System
Supervisor: Nicolas Wagner

Embedded Aigaion Query2019

Dialogue Systems Project
Autoregressive Exogenous Models for Time-Continuous Emotion Recognition (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
Contextual addressee selection and response prediction in multi-party conversations for spoken dialogue systems (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Oleg Akhtiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
Cross-corpus data augmentation for acoustic addressee detection (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Oleg Akhtiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
Deep Learning Based Feature Representation for Multimodal Emotion Recognition (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
Directness Estimation using Bag of Words and Word Embeddings
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
LSTM-based Communication Style Selection for Indoor Navigation
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
On Complementing Emotion Recognition in Dyadic Interactions (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Embedded Aigaion Query2018

Dialogue Systems Project
Analysis of emotional context in social networks for guidance systems improvement (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
Applying Multiple Sequence Alignment to Script Knowledge
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
Deep learning for text-based addressee detection (Euler Programm)
Supervisor: Oleg Akhtiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
Estimation of elaborateness and directness in spoken dialogues
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
Gaze direction monitoring for addressee detection (Euler Programm)
Supervisor: Oleg Akhtiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
User Satisfaction Estimation for Human-Computer Interaction
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
Using RASA for Communication with the NAO Robot
Supervisor: Matthias Kraus

Embedded Aigaion Query2017

Dialogue Systems Project
A deep neural network application for the off-talk detection in an automatic spoken dialogue system (Euler Program)
Supervisor: Oleg Akthiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
Bayesian optimisation of LSTM networks for emotion recognition (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
IQ-adaptive Statistical Dialogue Management
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
N-gram-based approaches to text processing for off-talk detection in automatic spoken dialogue systems (Euler program)
Supervisor: Oleg Akthiamov

Dialogue Systems Project
Recurrent neural network models for time-continuous multi-label emotion recognition (Euler-Programm)
Supervisor: Dmitrii Fedotov

Dialogue Systems Project
User Simulation for non-slot-filling dialogues
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Embedded Aigaion Query2016

Dialogue Systems Project
Advanced Linguistics using the NAO Robot
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Automatic Emotion Recognition Based on Visual Cues using OpenCV (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov

Dialogue Systems Project
Automatic Generation of Dialog Domains from Ontologies
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Comparison of the efficiency of classification algorithms for the Interaction Quality modelling for human-human conversation (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Anastasiia Spirina

Dialogue Systems Project
Dimensionality reduction for text-based emotion recognition
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Dimensionality reduction for text-based human-machine interaction quality recognition
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Feature selection based on wrappers with genetic algorithms for natural language call routing (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Integrating the OpenDial Toolkit into OwlSpeak
Supervisor: Juliana Miehle

Dialogue Systems Project
Neuroevolution Approach to Multimodal Emotion Recognition for Russian Language (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov

Dialogue Systems Project
Optimization of weights for voting in term weighting collectives for text classification (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
The most informative features selection for the Interaction Quality modelling for human-human conversation (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Anastasiia Spirina

Embedded Aigaion Query2015

Dialogue Systems Project
Adaption of Dialogue Flow and Content to Verbal Intelligence
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Advanced Feature Selection Techniques for the Problem of Speech-based Emotion Recognition (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov

Dialogue Systems Project
Artificial neural networks application for text classification in the field of SDS (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Contextual Image Classification as a Support System for Multimodal Dialogue Analysis (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov

Dialogue Systems Project
Creating an OwlSpeak Dialogue in the Cambridge Restaurant Information Domain for Real User Interaction
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Creating an OwlSpeak Dialogue in the Cambridge Restaurant Information Domain for User Simulation
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Fuzzy classification methods application for text classification in the field of SDS (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Interruption detection in human-human conversations in audio files (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Anastasiia Spirina

Dialogue Systems Project
Proactive Intelligent Systems and Human Factors (1)
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Proactive Intelligent Systems and Human Factors (2)
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Proactive Intelligent Systems and Human Factors (3)
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Sequential Approaches for Interaction Quality Estimation
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Sequential Approaches for Interaction Quality Estimation
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Embedded Aigaion Query2014

Dialogue Systems Project
Analyse von Fehler - Erklärungsmodellen (1)
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Analyse von Fehler - Erklärungsmodellen (2)
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Connecting OwlSpeak to the Let's Go User Simulator
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Contemporary Stochastic Feature Selection Algorithms for Speech-based Emotion Recognition (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov

Dialogue Systems Project
Creating a User-adaptive Dialogue with OwlSpeak
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Creating an Extension of the LEGO Corpus (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Creating an OwlSpeak Dialogue for the Lets Go User Simulator
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Dynamic Adaptation of Explanations to Verbal Intelligence
Supervisor: Florian Nothdurft

Dialogue Systems Project
Evaluation of Anger Detection Software
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Implementation of a Formant Extraction Module (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Stefan Ultes

Dialogue Systems Project
Informative Features Selection Using Non-Parametric Model in Natural Language Call Routing (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Tatiana Gasanova

Dialogue Systems Project
Investigation of Constraints for Term Weighting Methods
Supervisor: Roman Sergienko

Dialogue Systems Project
Natural Language Call Routing using Neural Network (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Tatiana Gasanova

Dialogue Systems Project
Neuro-evolutionary Techniques as High-dimensional Learners for Emotion Recognition (Euler Programme)
Supervisor: Maxim Sidorov