EN = Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch
DE = Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch
Lehrveranstaltung | Nummer im Hochschulportal | Art der Veranstaltung | Sprache | Biochemie | Biologie |
Protein biochemistry and structural biology (Lecture) | BIO.78017.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
Protein biochemistry (Seminar) | BIO.78008.001 | Seminar | E | x | |
Protein biochemistry (Advanced practical Course) | BIO.78008.002 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Structural biology (Seminar) | BIO.78017.003 | Seminar | E | x | |
Structural biology (Advanced practical Course) | BIO.78017.002 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Pharmakologie für Naturwissenschaftler II | BIO.76596.001 | Vorlesung/Seminar | D | x | x |
Molekulare Humangenetik | BIO.71596.001 | Vorlesung | D | x | |
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems (Lecture) | BIO.78021.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems (Seminar) | BIO.78021.002 | Seminar | E | x | |
Adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems (Advanced practical Course) | BIO.78021.003 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Lecture) | BIO.78009.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Seminar) | BIO.78009.002 | Seminar | E | x | |
Applied Molecular Ecology and Evolution (Advanced practical Course) | BIO.78009.003 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Conservation Genomics (Lecture) | BIO.78010.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
Conservation Genomics (Seminar) | BIO.78010.002 | Seminar | E | x | |
Conservation Genomics (Advanced practical Course) | BIO.78010.003 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Stress Response & Resilience | BIO.76603.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Virology II (part 1) | BIO.76590.001 | Vorlesung/Seminar | E | x | x |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | BIO.78022.003 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Lehrveranstaltung | Nummer im Hochschulportal | Art der Veranstaltung | Sprache | Biochemie | Biologie |
Cell Biology & Genetics (Lecture) | BIO.78023.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Cell Biology & Genetics (Advanced Practical Course) | BIO.78023.003 | Praktische Übung | E | x | x |
Cell Biology & Genetics (Seminar) | BIO.78023.002 | Seminar | E | x | x |
Virology II (part 2) | BIO.76590.002 | Vorlesung/Seminar | E | x | x |
Advanced Microbiology (Lecture) | BIO.78007.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Advanced Microbiology (Seminar) | BIO.78007.002 | Seminar | E | x | x |
Advanced Microbiology (Advanced Practical Course) | BIO.78007.003 | Praktische Übung | E | x | x |
Career Exploration in Quality Assurance | BIO.75418.001 | Seminar | E | x | x |
Scientific Integrity, Data Analysis & Management | BIO.78022.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Biologische Chemie | BIO.71328.001 | Vorlesung | D | x | |
Philosophy of Science | BIO.78022.002 | Seminar | E | x | |
From tree biology to forest ecology (Lecture) | BIO.78029.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
From tree biology to forest ecology (Seminar) | BIO.78029.003 | Seminar | E | x | |
From tree biology to forest ecology (Advanced Practical Course) | BIO.78029.002 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Fledermauskurs | BIO.0050.007 | Vorlesung/Seminar | D/E | x | |
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Lecture) | BIO.78011.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | |
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Seminar) | BIO.78011.003 | Seminar | E | x | |
Neurobiology and Behaviour (Advanced Practical Course) | BIO.78011.002 | Praktische Übung | E | x | |
Endocrinology (Lecture) | BIO.75427.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
Molecular Plant Stress Physiology (Lecture) | BIO.78035.001 | Vorlesung | E | x | x |
*: Terminvereinbarung bitte über sekretariat.biologie(at)uni-ulm.de
*: Terminvereinbarung bitte über sekretariat.biologie(at)uni-ulm.de
EN = Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch
DE = Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch
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