
The project "International Applied Soil and Plant Ecology Knowledge" (IntASEK) is the continuation of the project "Educational Network on Soil and Plant Ecology Knowledge" (EduSaPMan).

It includes 2 work packages:

WP 1 "Learning/teaching toolbox": the toolbox consists of virtual learning aids tested during Summer Schools that are organized by the consortium and an e-learning „TOOL BOX“ that summarizes the contents of our interdisciplinary teaching. This learning/teaching toolbox in soil and plant ecology enables to use materials from specific interest and combine materials according to specific needs.

WP 2 “Knowledge transfer”: this WP aims to increase the employability of students but will also foster the general contacts between students and young academic staff and companies. This will be achieved by the creation of a Career Database and the conduction of several Virtual Career Days.

If you want more information about the IntASEK project, click here.


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