Description of lectures
On this page you can find short descriptions of the lectures that are provided during the Summer Schools "Soil & Water". If you are interested in any of these topics, please contact the respective teacher.
- Prof. Ing. Hana Šantrůčková - Microbial processes in soils
- Dr. Tomáš Picek - Wetland ecology; Constructed wetlands
- Dr. Zuzana Urbanová - Wetlands and carbon fluxes; Wetland restoration
- Prof. Dr. Endla Reintam - Soil degradation
- Prof. Dr. Alar Astover - Sustainable use of soils; Interactions in plant-soil systems
- Ass. Prof. Dr. Tiina Tosens - Plant stress
- Liisa Kübarsepp - Stomatal morphology and reactions in response to changes in the environmental conditions
- Prof. Dr. Virginie Baldy -Plant-soil relationships: leaf litter decomposition, a key process for ecosystem functioning
- Prof. Dr. Catherine Fernandez -Plant secondary metabolites and allelopathy
- Dr. Ilja Reiter - Experimental Climate Change
- Prof. Dr. Marian Kazda -Introduction to soil-water relations; Root structure and soil exploitation
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Wanner - Introduction in soil zoology; General introduction to methods in soil zoology; Soil degradation, disturbance, and organismic succession / Sustainable environmental management

- Dr. Eva Keppner
- eva.keppner(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23317

- Dr. Philipp von Wrangell
- philipp.wrangell(at)
- **49-(0)731-50-23930
- **49-(0)731-50-23932

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