
Master of Science (M.Sc.)


The goals of physics are to gain a deep understanding of the universe at its most fundamental levels and to extend such knowledge to more complicated systems ranging from the subatomic to the cosmological scale.Physics can then be considered the basis for all natural sciences and the bearing structure of any modern technological development. This is well reflected in our master programme in Physics which prepares graduates for careers in research and teaching at the university level or research in industrial laboratories.

Worum geht es in diesem Studiengang?

Students enrolling in the two year Master's programme will broaden their previous background in general physics and will be supported in carrying on their first independent research project in one of our exciting specialisation areas such as biophysics and soft matter, condensed matter and nanoscience, econophysics, quantum information and quantum technologies. Students have so the opportunity to experience forefront scientific research in an academic international environment.

Graduates from the Master degree programme in Physics:

  • have a deep knowledge of methods and techniques relevant for the chosen specialization area of physics
  • are ready to work in a cutting-edge international research environment
  • have learned to plan, set up and conduct a research project
  • know how to model a physical system both numerically and analitically
  • have developed key skills such as the ability to work in a team and communication skills.
Art des Studiums

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  • Vollzeit
Informationen zur Bewerbung

Informationen für Bewerber

  • Start jeweils zum Sommer- und Wintersemester
  • englisch
  • keine Zulassungsbeschränkung
ECTS Credits


Regelstudienzeit (in Semestern)



Small groups for excellent learning success

Study Objectives and Syllabus

  • Scope of the program: Scientific principles, experimental research, analytical methods and applications in the field of physics
  • Emphasis on lab work: Students get trained in conducting scientific experiments, recording and analyzing experimental data. Lab courses deal with modern techniques in physics and state-of-the-art experiments close to current academic research.
  • Independent research project: For completion of the program students work independently on an experimental master´s thesis project in an area/institute of their choice.


 Educational requirements to be met by future students:

  • Solid undergraduate education in mathematics and physics.
  • Students will attend demanding intensive courses that summarize the basics and lead to advanced topics fast.
  • Willingness to actively participate in classes, labs and seminars.
  • Social skills to live and study in a multicultural, scientifically and personally stimulating environment.

Aims and Syllabus

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Cutting edge research

Study Abroad

A great way to broaden your horizons in a subject area is to study at a foreign university. Students at Ulm University can apply for one or two semesters abroad at numerous universities, both throughout Europe as part of the ERASMUS programme and outside Europe. If lectures are not required, internships and theses at other universities are also possible.

Ulm University has exchange agreements with over 100 universities in 26 countries.
International Office

International Office

Exchange opportunities offered by the Department of Physics

Basketballspiel beim Hochschulsport der Uni Ulm

Students playing baketball.

Studierendengruppe vor der Stadtmauer in Ulm

Students on their way to an excursion.

Learn on our modern campus.

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Introduction to Ulm (English)

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Graduation ceremony (German)

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Study at Ulm University (German)

Positions in industry

A wide range of careers are open to physicists given their scientific and analytic training:

  • Research and development positions in government-funded labs and private research industries
  • Scientific and technological areas: material science, computer programming, automotive and aerospace research, manufacturing and technology-based areas, healthcare sector
  • Specialized applications such development and test of new products and processes
  • Patent searches and writing
  • Sales and Marketing positions: identification of potential customers and information about new products technical aspects

Career in Academia

  • PhD in Germany and all over the world
  • Teaching
  • Research

Studying and living in Ulm

Welcome to the most liveable city in Germany. In Albert Einstein's birthplace, science, leisure, top employers and culture come together in a unique way. Top locations and events such as the Ulmer Zelt, Nabada or the Donaufest attract visitors to the quaint streets. You feel at home here!
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