Entry requirements for the Quantum Engineering M. Sc.


To be eligible for the "Quantum Engineering" Master of Science programme, the following qualifications are needed:

1. Bachelor Degree

Bachelor degree in one of the following areas: physics, electrical engineering, nanotechnology, quantum technology, aerospace engineering 
any comparable study course with essentially the same content at any institute of higher education in Germany (i.e. Fachhochschule) or abroad.

2. Strong academic records

Final Bachelor Grade (GPA in German grade system): 2.7 or better
if the Bachelor has not been completed yet, an average GPA of 2.7 or better on all the examination results obtained by the date of application.

3.  Fundamental skills in ...
  • Mathematics (min 15 ECTS): Analysis, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations 
  • Physics and/or Electrical Engineering (min 100 ECTS)
  • evidence of scientific work in a physics or electrical engineering field (can be proven by thesis, project work, scientific publication)
4. Good proficiency of English

Proof of an adequate command of English at level B2 level of CEFR (Common European Framework Reference for Languages).

Applicants who are English native speakers don't have to submit any English test result.

Graduates of the Ulm University are welcome to contact the coordinator for more information on the English requirements.

5. Succesfull evaluation of the admission interview

The admission interview will be organized online and the length will be approximately 20 minutes. 

Applicants will be asked about the content of their Bachelor's studies and thesis, the interest in the Quantum Engineering programme as well as personal motivation and study goals.


For legally binding information please check the MSc Quantum Engineering Admission Statute.

Most foreign students have to apply for a student visa at the German Embassy in their home country. German Immigration Law does not allow to change the Immigration status whilst in Germany; do not enter with a tourist visa!

As soon as you know about your admission, make an appointment at the nearest embassy or consulate. Be aware that the visa procedure will take several weeks. The embassy will inform you about the details of your visa application. Usually you have to present the following at the Embassy:

  1. our letter of admission (Zulassung)
  2. our Information for the Embassy
  3. a proof of your financial means (850 Euro/month at the least). Be prepared to show a bank statement covering the full expenses of the first year
  4. in addition to the above the respective embassy may require you to submit additional material - check with your nearest German embassy

The excellent frequently asked questions pool at the DAAD website is a good resource (select from drop-down menu at the top of the page).

Services and assistance

Together with the admission letter you will receive detailed information on services we provide. We will assist you in finding housing, i.e. we will make reservations in the students' dormitories.
Upon arrival a senior student will meet and assist you during your first hours on foreign terrain. You will soon meet your new classmates and become familiar with your new surroundings.

Dr. Maria-Verena Kohnle
Studienkommission Physik
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Telefon: 0731/50-23032
Raum: N25/3106