Institute of Protein Biochemistry
In 2012, the institute was established under the Director Prof. Dr. Marcus Fändrich. Its research as well as its teaching duties are at the interface between biology, chemistry, physics and medicine with the main focus being on protein biochemistry.
Major techniques used at our institute are the recombinant expression and purification of proteins, the biophysical characterization of protein conformations, electron and fluorescence microscopy as well as cell biology.
All Ulm Meetings on "Biophysics of Amyloid Formation"
To be held in co-operation with the DFG Forschungsgruppe FOR 2969 as well as SFB 1279, SFB 1035 and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
AA amyloid fibrils from diseased tissue are structurally different from in vitro formed SAA fibrils. Akanksha Bansal, Matthias Schmidt, Matthies Rennegarbe, Christian Haupt, Falk Liberta, Sabrina Stecher, Ioana Puscalau-Girtu, Alexander Biedermann & Marcus Fändrich. Nat Commun. 12, 1013 (2021).
New publication in Nature Communications. Title: “Cryo-EM reveals structural breaks in a patient-derived amyloid fibril from systemic AL amyloidosis” Lynn Radamaker, Julian Baur, Stefanie Huhn, Christian Haupt, Ute Hegenbart, Stefan Schönland, Akanksha Bansal, Matthias Schmidt & Marcus Fändrich. Nature Comm. 12, 875 (2021)

Prof. Dr. Marcus Fändrich
Tel: +49-(0)731/50 32750
Fax: +49-(0)731/50 32759
Helmholtzstraße 8/1
Room number 1.55
Tel: +49-(0)731/50 32751
Fax: +49-(0)731/50 32759
E-Mail: dora.havassy[at]
Helmholtzstraße 8/1
Room number 1.54