Public Outreach / Wissenschaft für Jedermann
PURA-Syndrom: So hilft ein Ulmer Forscher betroffenen Familien
Kurze Einführung für Familien mit PURA-Syndrom-Patienten und deren Bekannte.
Lab impressions from our two groups at the Ulm University and the Helmholtz Zentrum München
Presentation by Dierk Niessing at the Virtual PURA Syndrome Conference (June 2021). He gives an overview of current research activities within the so-called Global Research Network that is associated with the PURA Syndrome Foundation.
Presentation by Sabrina Bacher, Sandra Burczyk, and Lena Molitor at the Virtual PURA Syndrome Conference (June 2021). They will try to give an easy and understandable introduction to genes, proteins, mutations and more...
Presentation by Sabrina Bacher, Lena Molitor and Dierk Niessing at the Virtual PURA Syndrome Conference (June 2021). They give an overview on current research activities in the area of cell biology, including stem cells.
Panel discussion during the Virtual PURA Syndrome Conference in June 2021. Prof. Matt Guille (UK), Prof. Rob Rouhl (The Netherlands), Dr. David Hunt (UK), and Prof. Dierk Niessing (Germany) answered questions from PURA families on research, treatment options and future therapeutic perspectives.
This presentation has been recorded in September 2020 as part of the Pint of Science festival Munich.
Radiointerview mit Dierk Niessing durch Frank Riethdorf vom Radio free FM. Es geht um generelle Konzepte der Forschung und der Lehre an der Uni Ulm und dem Helmholtz Zentrum München.
Presentation by Dierk Niessing at the PURA Syndrome Conference in Boston, USA (June 2019). He gives an overview of current research activities within the so-called Global Research Network that is associated with the PURA Syndrome Foundation.
Presentation by Marcel Proske at the PURA Syndrome Conference in Boston, USA (June 2019). He summarizes the PURA research using the model systems zebrafish and human cell culture.
Article by Linda Geddes on rare diseases and PURA Syndrome in the British newspaper The Guardian. The article includes interview sections with affected families and researchers.
Presentation by Lena Molitor (Niessing lab Munich) at the PURA Syndrome Conference (The Wellcome Genome Campus Conference Centre, Hinxton, UK) in June 2019. She gives an overview of current state-of-the-art of iPSC-based reseaerch and genome editing methods to better understand the PURA Syndrome.
Presentation by Dierk Niessing at the PURA Syndrome Conference (The Wellcome Genome Campus Conference Centre, Hinxton, UK) in June 2019. He explains what genes and proteins are and how mutations affect genes and proteins, resulting in genetic diseases.