The Institute of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


At our institute we combine structural biology (mainly X-ray crystallography), biophysical approaches, and biochemistry with cell biology to allow for an integrated research approach.

Research topics focus on RNA-based gene regulation in eukaryotes (Niessing), structure-guided inhibitor design (Niessing), and various areas of biotechnology, including biomaterials for medical applications and recombinant biosurfactants for a growing bioeconomy (Rosenau). For more details, please visit the groups subpages under the INSTITUTE/RESEARCH pulldown menue.




Do your master's thesis in our team

We are looking for a highly motivated master’s student who will help us characterize the importance of PUR proteins for membrane compartments within cells. For more detailed information about the project click the following link.


Recent Publications

Niedner-Boblenz, A.*, Monecke, T.*, Hennig, J., Klostermann, M., Hofweber, M., Davydova, E., Gerber, A. P., Anosova, I., Mayer, W., Müller, M., Heym, R. G., Janowski, R., Paillart, J. C., Dormann, D., Zarnack, K., Sattler, M., & Niessing, D. (2024). Intrinsically disordered RNA-binding motifs cooperate to catalyze RNA folding and drive phase separation. Nucleic Acids Res., 52(22):14205-14228,

Xing, H., Zhang, Y., Li, R., Ruzicka, H.M., Hain, C., Andersson, J., Bozdogan, A., Henkel, M., Knippschild, U., Hasler, R., Kleber, C., Knoll, W., Kissmann, A.K., Rosenau, F. (2024) A Blautia producta specific gFET-based aptasensor for quantitative monitoring of microbiome quality. Nanoscale Horiz. 2024 Oct 18. doi: 10.1039/d4nh00281d

Proske, M.*, Janowski, R.*, Bacher, S., Kang, H.-S., Monecke, T., Koehler, T., Hutten, S., Tretter, J., Crois, A., Molitor, L., Varela-Rial, A., Fino, R., Donati, E., de Fabritiis, G., Dormann, D., Sattler, M., & Niessing, D. (2024). PURA syndrome-causing mutations impair PUR-domain integrity and affect P-body association. eLife, 13.

Kissmann, A.K., Bolotnikov, G., Li, R., Müller, F., Xing, H., Krämer,·M., Gottschalk, K.-E., Andersson, J., Weil, T., Rosenau, F. (2024). IMPATIENT‑qPCR: monitoring SELEX success during in vitro aptamer evolution. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology  108:284

Zhang, Y., Xing, H., Bolotnikov, G., Krämer, M., Bozdogan, A., Kissmann, A.K., Weil, T., Spellerberg, B., Stenger, S., Rosenau, F. (2024). Robust Fluorometric Aptamer Assay for Direct and Rapid Detection of Clinical Isolates of Candida spec. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 3444. doi: 10.3390/ijms25063444

Witzenberger, M., Burczyk, S., Settele, D., Mayer, W., Welp, L.M., Heiss, M., Wagner, M., Monecke, T., Janowski, R., Carell, T., Urlaub, H., Hauck, S.M., Voigt, A.# and Niessing, D.# (2023).
Human TRMT2A methylates tRNA and contributes to translation fidelity. Nucleic Acids Res., 51(16):8691-8710.

Molitor, L.*, Klostermann, M.*, Bacher, S., Merl-Pham, J., Spranger, N., Burczyk, S., Ketteler, C., Rusha, E., Tews, D., Pertek, A., Proske, M., Busch, A., Reschke, S., Feederle, R., Hauck, S. M., Blum, H., Drukker, M., Fischer-Posovszky, P., König, J., Zarnack, K.#, & Niessing, D.# (2023). Depletion of the RNA-binding protein PURA triggers changes in posttranscriptional gene regulation and loss of P-bodies. Nucleic Acids Res., 51(3), 1297–1316.


The DFG Research Unit FOR2333 " consists of seven German-wide teams (speaker: Ulm University).


The DFG Priority Program SPP1935 aims at understanding RNA-bound determinants of posttranscriptional gene regulation.