Student Exchange Program between the Department of Biology (Ulm University) and the College of Life Sciences (National Taiwan University, NTU)

The College of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei

The predecessor of National Taiwan University was Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University (TIU), founded by the Japanese in 1928. The first president was Dr. Taira Shidehara. When TIU was first established, it had two colleges: the Faculty of Literature and Politics, and the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, and had a combined total of 59 students. The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering were added in 1935 and 1943 respectively. The Faculty of Science and Agriculture was also divided into two colleges in 1943: the Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Agriculture. With its experimental farm, National Taiwan University stretches approximately 34,283 hectares across whole of Taiwan, with the Main Campus located in the heart of the nation’s capital, Taipei City. National Taiwan University has 17000 undergraduate students and 15000 graduate students. The University has 11 colleges, including Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Bio-Resource and Agriculture, Management, Public Health, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Law, Life Science. The combined force offers the best quality academic programs in Taiwan in modern biological sciences, such as molecular biology, systematic biology, biochemical sciences, biotechnology, and ecological studies.

Financial aspects & organization of the exchange

Students from Ulm University shall be exempted from any application, admission or tuition fees at NTU. If available, students from Ulm may be offered a place within the students' residence at NTU. Students from Ulm University will carry out a research project within a laboratory of the College of Life Sciences. Below is a list of possible host laboratories at NTU. In addition, students may attend lectures (see below). Outgoing students should check with the Studienkommission Biologie & Biochemie (Dr. Philipp von Wrangell) and the exchange coordinator before their departure whether the lectures that will be attended at NTU can be accepted as credit points within the curiculum at Ulm University. There are various options to carry out a whole major subject (18 CP) at NTU.  

Costs of living in Taipeh and Ulm are similar. The exchange program does not provide funding for travel or living expenses!  

Ulm University and NTU students participating in this exchange program are encouraged to apply for the so-called “Baden-Württemberg Scholarship”. The application deadline is end or March (for the next winter semester) and end of September (for the next summer semester). Currently 2400,-€ per student per academic year are provided in the case of a successful application (this valaue may vary from year to year). 


Students enrolled in the Master program Biochemistry or Biology at Ulm University at the time of the exchange or carrying out a PhD within the Department of Biology of Ulm University. Students who are interested to participate in the exchange program in their first Master semester are encouraged to apply "pro forma" in their last Bachelor semester. 
However, they have to fulfill the requirements for acceptance in the respective Master program at the time of the application. 

The length of the exchange program is 1 semester. 

Application and selection process

Deadline is January 31 for the winter semester starting in the same year and June 30 for the summer semester the year after. Two places per application deadline are available. 

The total length of the exchange is 1 semester.

Please download the application form here.

Please send your application 
to PD Thomas Gronemeyer | e-mail: thomas.gronemeyer(at)

Yor application will then be forwarded to NTU. In the case of more than two applicants, NTU will make a selection based on the application form and attached documents. 
Prof. Chien Chih Yang is the head of the selection committee. 
Successful candidates will then undergo a formal admission procedure at the university and will be informed in spring.

Possible host laboratories at NTU


Prof. Hao-Sen Chiang
Immunology, Inflammation


Prof. Hsin-Hung David Chou
Microbiology, Evolutionary Biology, Synthetic Biology

Molecular Biology

Prof. Hsu-Liang Hsieh
Plant Molecular Biology, Phytochrome Signal Transduction, Molecular Genetics

Plant Systematics & Evolution

Prof. Jer-Ming Hu
Plant Systematics, Plant Developmental Evolutionary Biology

Cell Biology

Prof. Wei-Pang Huang
Cell Biology and Biological Imaging


Prof. Ming-Yuan Min
Pain Mechanism, Synaptic Plasticity in Thalamic Neurons, and Neuronal Control of Cardiovascular Functions


Prof. Chien-Yuen Pan
Neurobiology, Cell Biology, Cellular Electrophysiology

Evolutionary Genetics

Prof. Chau-Ti Ting
Evolutionary Genetics, Molecular Evolution, Population Genetics


Prof. Chien-Chih Yang
Functional genomics and proteomics in plant, Membrane protein and signal transduction.

Systems Biology

Prof. Hsueh-Fen Juan
Systems and Computational Biology


Lectures at NTU

College of Life Science:

The college of life sciences at NTU has 11 departments and institutes and 85 professors. 
It covers a broad scope of research in biology and biochemistry. 

A large number of courses are offered. Please consult the study advisory service to
set up an adequate learning agreement before you leave. 
There are options to carry out one major subject at NTU; the respective content has to be arranged individually. 

Please refer also to the pages NTU's Center of International Academic Exchanges which hosts general information, links to courses etc.



National Taiwan University

Prof. Chien-Chih Yang

E-mail: ccyang(at)
Tel: +886-(0)2-3366-4445
Fax: +886-(0)2-3366-2271

Ulm University

PD Dr. Thomas Gronemeyer

Phone: +49 731 5036316
E-Mail: thomas.gronemeyer(at)