Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stickler
Heisenberg Professor
Nonequilibrium entanglement between levitated masses under optimal control
A. N. Poddubny, K. Winkler, B. A. Stickler, U. Delić, M. Aspelmeyer, A. V. Zasedatelev
arXiv: 2408.06251 (2024)
Steady-state entanglement of interacting masses in free space through optimal feedback control
K. Winkler, A. V. Zasedatelev, B. A. Stickler, U. Delić, A. Deutschmann-Olek, M. Aspelmeyer
arXiv: 2408.07492 (2024)
Probing rotational decoherence with a trapped-ion planar rotor
N. Glikin, B. A. Stickler, R. Tollefsen, S. Mouradian, N. Yadav, E. Urban, K. Hornberger, and H. Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 033601 (2025)
Talbot interference of whispering gallery modes
M. Eriksson, B. A. Stickler, and R. Fickler
APL Photonics 10, 010804 (2025)
Quantum optical binding of nanoscale particles
H. Rudolph, U. Delić, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233603 (2024)
Quantum theory of non-Hermitian optical binding between nanoparticles
H. Rudolph, U. Delić, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063507 (2024)
Spin read-out of the motion of levitated electrically rotated diamonds
M. Perdriat, C. C. Rusconi, T. Delord, P. Huillery, C. Pellet-Mary, B. A. Stickler, and G. Hétet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 253602 (2024)
Decoherence of dielectric particles by thermal emission
J. Schäfer, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043307 (2024)
Non-Hermitian dynamics and nonreciprocity of optically coupled nanoparticles
M. Reisenbauer, H. Rudolph, L. Egyed, K. Hornberger, A. V. Zasedatelev, M. Abuzarli, B. A. Stickler, and U. Delić
Nat. Phys. 20, 1629 (2024)
Probing molecular photophysics in a matter-wave interferometer
L. Martinetz, B. A. Stickler, K. Simonović, R. Ferstl, C. Brand, M. Arndt, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043270 (2024)
Diffracting molecular matter-waves at deep-ultraviolet standing-light waves
K. Simonović, R. Ferstl, A. Di Silvestro, M. Mayor, L. Martinetz, K. Hornberger, B. A. Stickler, C. Brand, and M. Arndt
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 27617 (2024)
Amplifying a zeptonewton force with a single-ion nonlinear oscillator
B. Deng, M. Göb, B. A. Stickler, M. Masuhr, K. Singer, and D. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 153601 (2023)
Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)
R. Kaltenbaek, M. Arndt, M. Aspelmeyer, P. F. Barker, A. Bassi, J. Bateman, A. Belenchia, J. Bergé, C. Braxmaier, S. Bose, B. Christophe, G. D. Cole, C. Curceanu, A. Datta, M. Debiossac, U. Delić, L. Diósi, A. A. Geraci, S. Gerlich, C. Guerlin, G. Hechenblaikner, A. Heidmann, S. Herrmann, K. Hornberger, U. Johann, N. Kiesel, C. Lämmerzahl, T. W. LeBrun, G. J. Milburn, J. Millen, M. Mohageg, D. C. Moore, G. W. Morley, S. Nimmrichter, L. Novotny, D. K. L. Oi, M. Paternostro, C. J. Riedel, M. Rodrigues, L. Rondin, A. Roura, W. P. Schleich, T. Schuldt, B. A Stickler, H. Ulbricht, C. Vogt, and L. Wörner
Quant. Sci. Techn. 8, 014006 (2023)
Force-gradient sensing and entanglement via feedback cooling of interacting nanoparticles
H. Rudolph, U. Delić, M. Aspelmeyer, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193602 (2022)
Tunable light-induced dipole-dipole interaction between optically levitated nanoparticles
J. Rieser, M. A. Ciampini, H. Rudolph, N. Kiesel, K. Hornberger, B. A. Stickler, M. Aspelmeyer, and U. Delić
Science 377, 987 (2022) [featured in Science Perspectives, Nature News, and Physics World]
Spin-controlled quantum interference of levitated nanorotors
C. C. Rusconi, M. Perdriat, G. Hétet, O. Romero-Isart, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 093605 (2022)
Surface-induced decoherence and heating of charged particles
L. Martinetz, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
PRX Quantum 3, 030327 (2022)
Interferometric control of nanorotor alignment
B. Schrinski, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 105, L021502 (2022)
Talbot self-imaging and two-photon interference in ring-core fibers
M. Eriksson, B. A. Stickler, L. Kopf, M. Hiekkamäki, R. Gumenyuk, Y. Chamorovskiy, S. Ramelow, and R. Fickler
Phys. Rev. A 104, 063512 (2021)
Torque-free manipulation of nanoparticle rotations via embedded spins
Y. Ma, M. S. Kim, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. B 104, 134310 (2021)
Enantiomer superpositions from matter-wave interference of chiral molecules
B. A. Stickler, M. Diekmann, R. Berger, and D. Wang
Phys. Rev. X 11, 031056 (2021) [featured in Physics]
Electric trapping and circuit cooling of charged nanorotors
L. Martinetz, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
New J. Phys. 23, 093001 (2021)
Quantum rotations of nanoparticles
B. A. Stickler, K. Hornberger, and M. S. Kim
Nat. Rev. Phys. 3, 589 (2021)
Cooling nanorotors by elliptic coherent scattering
J. Schäfer, H. Rudolph, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 163603 (2021) [featured by UDE]
Theory of nanoparticle cooling by elliptic coherent scattering
H. Rudolph, J. Schäfer, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 103, 043514 (2021) [Editor’s Suggestion, featured by UDE]
Quantum electromechanics with levitated nanoparticles
L. Martinetz, K. Hornberger, J. Millen, M. S. Kim, and B. A. Stickler
npj Quantum Inf. 6, 101 (2020)
Quantum experiments with microscale particles
J. Millen and B. A. Stickler
Contemp. Phys. 61, 155 (2020)
Quantum persistent tennis racket dynamics of nanorotors
Y. Ma, K. Khosla, B. A. Stickler, and M. S. Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 053604 (2020)
Bragg diffraction of large organic molecules
C. Brand, F. Kialka, S. Troyer, C. Knobloch, K. Simonovic, B. A. Stickler, K. Hornberger, and M. Arndt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 033604 (2020) [Editor’s Suggestion, featured in Physics, Chemistry World,]
Orbital angular momentum interference of trapped matter waves
F. Kialka, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 0220330(R) (2020) [Rapid Communication]
Entangling levitated nanoparticles by coherent scattering
H. Rudolph, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. A 101, 011804(R) (2020) [Rapid Communication]
Macroscopicity of quantum mechanical superposition tests via hypothesis falsification
B. Schrinski, S. Nimmrichter, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 100, 032111 (2019)
Decoherence of non-relativistic bosonic quantum fields
M. Bolaños, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 99, 060103(R) (2019) [Rapid Communication]
Concepts for long-baseline high-mass matter-wave interferometry
F. Kiałka, B. A. Stickler, K. Hornberger, Y. Fein, P. Geyer, L. Mairhofer, S. Gerlich, and M. Arndt
Phys. Scr. 94, 034001 (2019)
Levitated electromechanics: all-electrical cooling of charged nano- and micro-particles
D. Goldwater, B. A. Stickler, L. Martinetz, T. Northup, K. Hornberger, and J. Millen
Quant. Sci. Techn. 4, 024003 (2019)
Rotational alignment decay and decoherence of molecular superrotors
B. A. Stickler, F. T. Ghahramani, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 243402 (2018)
Probing macroscopic quantum superpositions with nanoscale rotors
B. A. Stickler, B. Papendell, S. Kuhn, B. Schrinski, J. Millen, M. Arndt, and K. Hornberger
New J. Phys. 20, 122001 (2018) [media coverage:]
Conformer-selection by matter-wave interference
C. Brand, B. A. Stickler, C. Knobloch, A. Shayeghi, K. Hornberger, and M. Arndt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173002 (2018) [media coverage: APA]
Rotational friction and diffusion of quantum rotors
B. A. Stickler, B. Schrinski, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 040401 (2018)
Gas-induced friction and diffusion of rigid rotors
L. Martinetz, K. Hornberger, and B. A. Stickler,
Phys. Rev. E 97, 052112 (2018) [Editor’s Suggestion]
Quantum angular momentum diffusion of rigid bodies
B. Papendell, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
New J. Phys. 19, 122001 (2017) [selected for NJP Highlights of 2017]
Optically driven ultra-stable nanomechanical rotor
S. Kuhn, B. A. Stickler, A. Kosloff, F. Patolsky, K. Hornberger, M. Arndt, and J. Millen
Nat. Commun. 8, 1670 (2017) [media coverage:,, or]
Electrically controlled quantum reflection
A. R. Barnea, B. A. Stickler, O. Cheshnovsky, K. Hornberger, and U. Even
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043639 (2017)
Collapse-induced orientational localization of rigid rotors
B. Schrinski, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, C1 (2017)
Full rotational control of levitated silicon nanorods
S. Kuhn, A. Kosloff, B. A. Stickler, F. Patolsky, K. Hornberger, M. Arndt, and J. Millen
Optica 4, 356 (2017)
New avenues for matter-wave-enhanced spectroscopy
J. Rodewald, P. Haslinger, N. Dörre, B. A. Stickler, A. Shayeghi, K. Hornberger, and M. Arndt
Appl. Phys. B 123: 3 (2017)
Spatio-orientational decoherence of nanoparticles
B. A. Stickler, B. Papendell, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 94, 033828 (2016)
Ro-translational cavity cooling of dielectric rods and disks
B. A. Stickler, S. Nimmrichter, L. Martinetz, S. Kuhn, M. Arndt, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 94, 033818 (2016)
On the role of the electric dipole moment in the diffraction of biomolecules at nanomechanical gratings
C. Knobloch, B. A. Stickler, C. Brand, M. Sclafani, Y. Lilach, T. Juffmann, O. Cheshnovsky, K. Hornberger, and M. Arndt
Fortschr. Phys. 65, 1600025 (2017)
Collisional decoherence of polar molecules
K. Walter, B. A. Stickler, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 93, 063612 (2016)
Molecular rotations in matter wave interferometry
B. A. Stickler and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 92, 023619 (2015)
Cavity-assisted manipulation of freely rotating silicon nanorods in high vacuum
S. Kuhn, P. Asenbaum, A. Kosloff, M. Sclafani, B. A. Stickler, S. Nimmrichter, K. Hornberger, O. Cheshnovsky, F. Patolsky, and M. Arndt
Nano Lett. 15, 5604-5608 (2015)
Quantum reflection and interference of matter waves from periodically doped surfaces
B. A. Stickler, U. Even, and K. Hornberger
Phys. Rev. A 91, 013614 (2015)
Theoretical investigation of spin-filtering in CrAs / GaAs heterostructures
B. A. Stickler, C. Ertler, L. Chioncel, and W. Pötz
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 223702 (2013)
Charge transport through interfaces: a tight-binding toy model and its implications
B. A. Stickler and W. Pötz
J. Comput. Electron. 12, 490 (2013)
Derivation of a linear collision operator for the Wigner equation and its semiclassical limit
B. A. Stickler and S. Possanner
Phys. Rev. A. 88, 012125 (2013)
Potential condensed-matter realization of space-fractional quantum mechanics: the one-dimensional Lévy crystal
B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. E 88, 012120 (2013)
Non-Markovian quantum dynamics from environmental relaxation
S. Possanner and B. A. Stickler
Phys. Rev. A 85, 062115 (2012)
Space fractional Wigner equation and its semi-classical limit
B. A. Stickler and E. Schachinger
Phys. Rev. E 84, 061129 (2011)
Influence of transport-related material parameters on the I-V characteristic of inorganic-organic hybrid solar cells
B. A. Stickler, M. Gruber, G. Trimmel, F. Schürrer, and K.Zojer
Organic Electronics 12, 1434 (2011)
Continuous time anomalous diffusion in a composite medium
B. A. Stickler and E. Schachinger
Phys. Rev. E 84, 021116 (2011)
Lévy Flight anomalous diffusion in a composite medium
B. A. Stickler and E. Schachinger
Phys. Rev. E 83, 011122 (2011)
Impact of energy alignment and morphology on the efficiency in inorganic-organic hybrid solar cells
M. Gruber, B. A. Stickler, G. Trimmel, F. Schürrer, and K.Zojer
Organic Electronics 11, 1999 (2010)
Basic concepts in computational physics
B.A. Stickler and E. Schachinger
Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-27265-8 (2016)
Spin injection and filtering in halfmetal/semiconductor CrAs/GaAs heterostructures
B.A. Stickler, C. Ertler, L. Chioncel, E. Arrigoni, and W. Pötz
AIP Conf. Proc. 1566, 309 (2013) (ICPS Zurich, 2012)
Simulation of organic electronic devices based on a two-dimensional drift-diffusion approach
M. Gruber, B.A. Stickler, S. Possanner, K. Zojer, and F. Schürrer
Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 2, No 2. (2011)
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stickler
Heisenberg Professor