Weak equivalence principle violation for mixed scalar particles, Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba and Luciano Petruzziello, Eur. Phys. J. C 83, 1130 (2023), arXiv:2305.08718
We investigate the non-relativistic limit of the Klein–Gordon equation for mixed scalar particles and show that, in this regime, one unavoidably arrives at redefining the particle’s inertial mass. This happens because, in contrast to the case when mixing is absent, the antiparticle sector contribution cannot be neglected for particles with definite flavor. To clearly demonstrate this feature, we adopt the Feshbach–Villars formalism for Klein–Gordon particles. Furthermore, within the same framework, we also demonstrate that, in the presence of a weak gravitational field, the mass parameter that couples to gravity (gravitational mass) does not match the effective inertial mass. This, in turn, implies a violation of the weak equivalence principle. Finally, we prove that the Bargmann’s superselection rule, which prohibits oscillating particles on the basis of the Galilean transformation, is incompatible with the non-relativistic limit of the Lorentz transformation and hence does not collide with the results obtained.
On the origin of force sensitivity in tests of quantum gravity with delocalised mechanical systems, Julen S. Pedernales and Martin B. Plenio, Contemporary Physics 64 (2), 147–163 (2023), arXiv:2311.04745
The detection of the quantum nature of gravity in the low-energy limit hinges on achieving an unprecedented degree of force sensitivity with mechanical systems. Against this background we explore the relationship between the sensitivity of mechanical systems to external forces and properties of the quantum states they are prepared in. We establish that the main determinant of the force sensitivity in pure quantum states is their spatial delocalisation and we link the force sensitivity to the rate at which two mechanical systems become entangled under a quantum force. We exemplify this at the hand of two commonly considered configurations. One that involves gravitationally interacting objects prepared in non-Gaussian states such as Schrödinger-cat states, where the generation of entanglement is typically ascribed to the accumulation of a dynamical phase between components in superposition experiencing varying gravitational potentials. The other prepares particles in Gaussian states that are strongly squeezed in momentum and delocalised in position where entanglement generation is attributed to accelerations. We offer a unified description of these two arrangements using the phase-space representation of the interacting particles, and link their entangling rate to their force sensitivity, showing that both configurations get entangled at the same rate provided that they are equally delocalised in space. Our description in phase space and the established relation between force sensitivity and entanglement sheds light on the intricacies of why the equivalence between these two configurations holds, something that is not always evident in the literature, due to the distinct physical and analytical methods employed to study each of them. Notably, our findings demonstrate that while the conventional computation of entanglement via the dynamical phase remains accurate for systems in Schrödinger-cat states, it may yield erroneous estimations for systems prepared in squeezed cat states.
Noise-Assisted Digital Quantum Simulation of Open Systems Using Partial Probabilistic Error Cancellation, José D. Guimarães, James Lim, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio, PRX Quantum 4, 040329 (2023), arXiv:2302.14592
Quantum systems are inherently open and susceptible to environmental noise, which can have both detrimental and beneficial effects on their dynamics. This phenomenon has been observed in biomolecular systems, where noise enables novel functionalities, making the simulation of their dynamics a crucial target for digital and analog quantum simulation. Nevertheless, the computational capabilities of current quantum devices are often limited due to their inherent noise. In this work, we present a novel approach that capitalizes on the intrinsic noise of quantum devices to reduce the computational resources required for simulating open quantum systems. Our approach combines quantum noise characterization methods with quantum error mitigation techniques, enabling us to manipulate and control the intrinsic noise in a quantum circuit. Specifically, we selectively enhance or reduce decoherence rates in the quantum circuit to achieve the desired simulation of open-system dynamics. We provide a detailed description of our methods and report on the results of noise characterization and quantum error mitigation experiments conducted on both real and emulated IBM Quantum computers. Additionally, we estimate the experimental resource requirements for our techniques. Our approach holds the potential to unlock new simulation techniques in noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, harnessing their intrinsic noise to enhance quantum computations.
Neutrino decoherence and violation of the strong equivalence principle, Luca Bouninfante, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano, Luciano Petruzziello and Luca Smaldone, Phys. Lett. B 846, 138253 (2023), arXiv:2306.14023
We analyze the dynamics of neutrino Gaussian wave-packets, the damping of flavor oscillations and decoherence effects within the framework of extended theories of gravity. We show that, when the underlying description of the gravitational interaction admits a violation of the strong equivalence principle, the parameter quantifying such a violation modulates the wave-packet spreading, giving rise to potentially measurable effects in future neutrino experiments.
On tests of the quantum nature of gravitational interactions in presence of non-linear corrections to quantum mechanics, Giovanni Spaventa, Ludovico Lami, and Martin B. Plenio, Quantum 7, 1157 (2023), arXiv:2302.00365v2
Is gravity fundamentally quantum? One way to answer this question is to try and see whether two particles can get entangled via gravitational interactions. In fact, the entanglement between particles is taken as a hallmark of the quantum nature of gravity. However, this result rests on a hidden assumption: that the theory of quantum mechanics is fundamentally linear, even at the scales where gravity matters. In this work we show how a nonlinear theory with classical gravity (or no gravity at all) could reproduce the same entanglement that one expects from a theory in which gravity is traded as a coherent quantum interaction, opening a loophole in these kind of experiments. We then provide a way to experimentally falsify these nonlinear models, so that the linearity of the theory is certified, and the loophole is closed.
Coherent states for generalized uncertainty relations as Tsallis probability amplitudes: New route to nonextensive thermostatistics, Petr Jizba, Gaetano Lambiase, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano and Luciano Petruzziello, Phys. Rev. D 108, 064024 (2023), arXiv:2308.12368
We study coherent states associated with a generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). We separately analyze the cases of positive and negative deformation parameter β, showing that the ensuing probability distribution is a Tsallis distribution whose nonextensivity parameter q is monotonically related to β. Moreover, for β < 0 (corresponding to q < 1), we reformulate the GUP in terms of a one-parameter class of Tsallis entropy-power-based uncertainty relations, which are again saturated by the GUP coherent states. We argue that this combination of coherent states with Tsallis entropy offers a natural conceptual framework allowing one to study the quasiclassical regime of GUP in terms of nonextensive thermodynamics. We substantiate our claim by discussing the generalization of Verlinde’s entropic force and ensuing implications in the late-inflation epoch. The corresponding dependence of the β parameter on cosmological time is derived for the reheating epoch. The obtained β is consistent with values predicted by both string-theory models and the naturalness principle. Further salient issues, including the derivation of new β-dependent expressions for the lowest possible value of the spin and Immirzi parameter in loop quantum gravity and the connection of our proposal with the Magueijo-Smolin doubly special relativity are also discussed. This article provides a more extended and comprehensive treatment of our recent article [Phys. Rev. D 105, L121501 (2022)].
Bell nonlocality in maximal-length quantum mechanics, Pasquale Bosso, Fabrizio Illuminati, Luciano Petruzziello and Fabian Wagner, Phys. Lett. B 845, 138131 (2023), arXiv:2306.13067
In this paper, we investigate the consequences of maximal length as well as minimal momentum scales on nonlocal correlations shared by two parties of a bipartite quantum system. To this aim, we rely on a general phenomenological scheme which is usually associated with the non-negligible spacetime curvature at cosmological scales, namely the extended uncertainty principle. In so doing, we find that quantum correlations are degraded if the deformed quantum mechanical model mimics a positive cosmological constant. This opens up the possibility to recover classicality at sufficiently large distances.
A quantum physics layer of epigenetics: a hypothesis deduced from charge transfer and chirality-induced spin selectivity of DNA, Reiner Siebert, Ole Ammerpohl, Mirko Rossini, Dennis Herb, Sven Rau, Martin B. Plenio, Fedor Jelezko, and Joachim Ankerhold, Clinical Epigenetics 15, 145 (2023)
Epigenetic mechanisms are informational cellular processes instructing normal and diseased phenotypes. They are associated with DNA but without altering the DNA sequence. Whereas chemical processes like DNA methylation or histone modifications are well-accepted epigenetic mechanisms, we herein propose the existence of an additional quantum physics layer of epigenetics.
Quantum effects in DNA are prone to triggering and manipulation by external means. By the hypothesis put forward here, we would like to foster research on “Quantum Epigenetics” at the interface of medicine, biology, biochemistry, and physics to investigate the potential epigenetic impact of quantum physical principles on (human) life.
On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources, Mario Berta, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, and Marco Tomamichel, Quantum 7, 1103 (2023), arXiv:2205.02813v4
How efficiently can one detect the resources present in a quantum system? Qualitatively, the more resourceful a system is, the easier it is to detect its resources. To give a rigorous interpretation to this qualitative intuition, one needs to compute a quantity known as the Stein exponent of an associated quantum hypothesis testing (state discrimination) task. The generalised quantum Stein’s lemma, proposed by Brandão and Plenio in 2010, was a key piece of mathematical machinery that was designed to do precisely that. What is more, the resulting Stein exponent turned out to be given by a known resource measure, the regularised relative entropy. This makes intuitive sense, as a larger Stein exponent enhances the effectiveness of distinguishing a given state from all resourceless ones.
The applications of this result were manifold, but perhaps the most important was the identification of a framework for quantum resource manipulation that would become completely reversible. In this framework, discovered by Brandão and Plenio in 2008 and later generalised to almost all quantum resources by Brandão and Gour, the given resource could be freely converted from one form into the other at no (theoretical) loss. This mimics the classical thermodynamical behaviour of work and heat, which can be reversibly transformed into each other by Carnot cycles. For the case of entanglement theory, even more connections were established: notably, in this framework the distillable entanglement of any state is precisely equal to its Stein exponent.
In our work, we however report the existence of a serious gap in the original proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma. Consequently, it remains uncertain whether this result is ultimately valid or not — the proof is incomplete, but we do not know of any counterexample to the original claim either. The results by Brandão and Plenio on reversibility of entanglement, and the subsequent ones on reversibility of general quantum resources, are now to be considered unproven. We discuss this state of affairs in detail, listing the affected results and explaining how to recover some of them. We also examine various ways of proving alternative but weaker forms of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma. One of the goals of this paper is to stimulate further research on this problem, which appears to be one of the major open problems in the field of quantum entanglement theory and quantum resource theories in general, and whose complete solution would represent major progress in our understanding of the mysterious quantum world.
Group theoretical and ab initio description of color center candidates in fluorographene, Marcos S. Tacca and Martin B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. B 108, 104102 (2023), arXiv:2307.05091
We present a group theoretical and ab initio analysis of lattice point defects in fluorographene, with a focus on neutral and negative VCF vacancies. By using a combination of density functional theory calculations and group theory analysis, we investigate the many-body configurations of the defects and calculate the vertical absorption and zero-phonon line energies of the excited states and their dependence with strain. The description of the defects is extended by computing their formation energy, as well as further relevant parameters as the Jahn-Teller energy for neutral VCF and the zero field splitting for negative VCF vacancies. Based on our results, we discuss possible quantum applications of these color centers when coupled to mechanical oscillation modes of the hosting two-dimensional material. The symmetry and active orbitals of the defects exhibit a parallelism with those of the extensively studied nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. In this context, the studied defects emerge as interesting candidates for the development of two-dimensional quantum devices based on fluorographene.
30 years in: Quo vadis generalized uncertainty principle?, Pasquale Bosso, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano, Luciano Petruzziello and Fabian Wagner, Class. Quantum Gravity 40 (19), 195014 (2023), arXiv:2305.16193
According to a number of arguments in quantum gravity, both model-dependent and model-independent, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is modified when approaching the Planck scale. This deformation is attributed to the existence of a minimal length. The ensuing models have found entry into the literature under the term generalized uncertainty principle. In this work, we discuss several conceptual shortcomings of the underlying framework and critically review recent developments in the field. In particular, we touch upon the issues of relativistic and field theoretical generalizations, the classical limit and the application to composite systems. Furthermore, we comment on subtleties involving the use of heuristic arguments instead of explicit calculations. Finally, we present an extensive list of constraints on the model parameter β, classifying them on the basis of the degree of rigor in their derivation and reconsidering the ones subject to problems associated with composites.
Efficient Information Retrieval for Sensing via Continuous Measurement, Dayou Yang , Susana F. Huelga , and Martin B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. X 13, 031012 (2023), arXiv:2209.08777
Continuous monitoring of driven-dissipative quantum-optical systems is a crucial element in the implementation of quantum metrology, providing essential strategies for achieving highly precise measurements beyond the classical limit. In this context, the relevant figure of merit is the quantum Fisher information of the radiation field emitted by the driven-dissipative sensor. Saturation of the corresponding precision limit as defined by the quantum Crame ́r-Rao bound is typically not achieved by conventional, temporally local continuous-measurement schemes such as counting or homodyning. To address the outstanding open challenge of efficient retrieval of the quantum Fisher information of the emission field, we design a novel continuous-measurement strategy featuring temporally quasilocal measurement bases as captured by matrix-product states. Such a measurement can be implemented effectively by injecting the emission field of the sensor into an auxiliary open system, a “quantum-decoder” module, which “decodes” specific input matrix-product states into simple product states as its output field, and performing conventional continuous measurement at the output. We devise a universal recipe for the construction of the decoder by exploiting the time-reversal transformation of quantum-optical input-output channels, thereby establishing a universal method to achieve the quantum Crame ́r-Rao precision limit for generic sensor designs based on continuous measurement. As a by-product, we establish an effective formula for the evaluation of the quantum Fisher information of the emission field of generic driven- dissipative open sensors. We illustrate the power of our scheme with paramagnetic open sensor designs including linear force sensors, fiber-interfaced nonlinear emitters, and driven-dissipative many-body sensors, and demonstrate that it can be robustly implemented under realistic experimental imperfections.
Robust two-qubit gates using pulsed dynamical decoupling, Patrick Barthel, Patrick H Huber, Jorge Casanova, Iñigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin B Plenio and Christof Wunderlich, New J. Phys. 25, 063023 (2023), arXiv:2208.00187
We present the experimental implementation of a two-qubit phase gate, using a radio frequency (RF) controlled trapped-ion quantum processor. The RF-driven gate is generated by a pulsed dynamical decoupling sequence applied to the ions’ carrier transitions only. It allows for a tunable phase shift with high-fidelity results. The conditional phase shift is measured using a Ramsey-type measurement with an inferred fringe contrast of up to 99%. We also prepare a Bell state using this laser-free gate. The phase gate is robust against common sources of error. We investigate the effect of the excitation of the center-of-mass (COM) mode, errors in the axial trap frequency, pulse area errors and errors in sequence timing. The contrast of the phase gate is not significantly reduced up to a COM mode excitation <20 phonons, trap frequency errors of +10%, and pulse area errors of −8%. The phase shift is not significantly affected up to <10 phonons and pulse area errors of −2%. Both, contrast and phase shift are robust to timing errors up to −30% and +15%. The gate implementation is resource efficient, since only a single driving field is required per ion. Furthermore, it holds the potential for fast gate speeds (gate times on the order of 100 μs) by using two axial motional modes of a two-ion crystal through improved setups.
Active hyperpolarization of the nuclear spin lattice: Application to hexagonal boron nitride color centers, F. T. Tabesh, M. Fani, J. S. Pedernales, M. B. Plenio, and M. Abdi, Phys. Rev. B 107, 214307 (2023), arXiv:2010.03334
The active driving of the electron spin of a color center is known as a method for the hyperpolarization of the surrounding nuclear spin bath and to initialize a system with large number of spins. Here, we investigate the efficiency of this approach for various spin coupling schemes in a one-dimensional Heisenberg chain coupled to a central spin. To extend our study to the realistic systems with a large number of interacting spins, we employ an approximate method based on Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The validity of the method for describing spin polarization dynamics is benchmarked by the exact numerics for a small lattice, where the accuracy of the bosonic Holstein-Primakoff approximation approach is confirmed. We, thus, extend our analysis to larger spin systems where the exact numerics are out of reach. The results prove the efficiency of the active driving method when the central spin interaction with the spin bath is long range and the inter-spin interactions in the bath spins is large enough. The method is then applied to the realistic case of optically active negatively charged boron vacancy centers (VB) in hexagonal boron nitride. Our results suggest that a high degree of hyperpolarization in the boron and nitrogen nuclear spin lattices is achievable even starting from a fully thermal bath. As an initialization, our work provides the first step toward the realization of a two-dimensional quantum simulator based on natural nuclear spins and it can prove useful for extending the coherence time of the VB centers.
Minimal length: A cut-off in disguise?, Pasquale Bosso, Luciano Petruzziello and Fabian Wagner, Phys. Rev. D 107, 126009 (2023), arXiv:2302.04564
The minimal-length paradigm, a possible implication of quantum gravity at low energies, is commonly understood as a phenomenological modification of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation. We show that this modification is equivalent to a cut-off in the space conjugate to the position representation, i.e. the space of wave numbers, which does not necessarily correspond to momentum space. This result is generalized to several dim ensions and noncommutative geometries once a suitable definition of the wave number is provided. Furthermore, we find a direct relation between the ensuing bound in wave-number space and the minimal-length scale. For scenarios in which the existence of the minimal length cannot be explicitly verified, the proposed framework can be used to clarify the situation. Indeed, applying it to common models, we find that one of them does, against all expectations, allow for arbitrary precision in position measurements. In closing, we comment on general implications of our findings for the field. In particular, we point out that the minimal length is purely kinematical such that, effectively, it is not influenced by the overlying dynamics and the choice of Hamiltonian.
Quantum scrambling via accessible tripartite information, Gabriele Lo Monaco, Luca Innocenti, Dario Cilluffo, Diana A. Chisholm, Salvatore Lorenzo and G. Massimo Palma, Quantum Sci. Technol. 8, 035006 (2023), arXiv:2305.19334
Quantum information scrambling (QIS), from the perspective of quantum information theory, is generally understood as local non-retrievability of information evolved through some dynamical process, and is often quantified via entropic quantities such as the tripartite information. We argue that this approach comes with a number of issues, in large part due to its reliance on quantum mutual informations, which do not faithfully quantify correlations directly retrievable via measurements, and in part due to the specific methodology used to compute tripartite informations of the studied dynamics. We show that these issues can be overcome by using accessible mutual informations, defining corresponding 'accessible tripartite informations', and provide explicit examples of dynamics whose scrambling properties are not properly quantified by the standard tripartite information. Our results lay the groundwork for a more profound understanding of what QIS represents, and reveal a number of promising, as of yet unexplored, venues for further research.
Driving force and nonequilibrium vibronic dynamics in charge separation of strongly bound electron–hole pairs, Alejandro D. Somoza, Nicola Lorenzoni, James Lim, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio, Commun Phys 6, 65 (2023), arXiv:2205.06623
Electron-hole pairs in organic photovoltaics efficiently dissociate although their Coulomb-binding energy exceeds thermal energy at room temperature. The vibronic coupling of electronic states to structured vibrational environments containing multiple underdamped modes is thought to assist charge separation. However, non-perturbative simulations of such large, spatially extended, electronic-vibrational (vibronic) systems remain an unmet challenge which current methods bypass by considering effective one-dimensional Coulomb potentials or unstructured environments where the effect of underdamped modes is ignored. Here we address this challenge with a non-perturbative simulation tool and investigate the charge separation dynamics in one, two and three-dimensional donor-acceptor networks to identify under what conditions underdamped vibrational motion induces efficient long-range charge separation. The resulting comprehensive picture of ultrafast charge separation differentiates electronic or vibronic couplings mechanisms for a wide range of driving forces and identifies the role of entropic effects in extended systems. This provides a toolbox for the design of efficient charge separation pathways in artificial nanostructures.
Asymptotic State Transformations of Continuous Variable Resources, Giovanni Ferrari, Ludovico Lami, Thomas Theurer, and Martin B. Plenio, Commun. Math. Phys. 398, 291–351 (2023), arXiv:2010.00044
We study asymptotic state transformations in continuous variable quantum resource theories. In particular, we prove that monotones displaying lower semicontinuity and strong superadditivity can be used to bound asymptotic transformation rates in these settings. This removes the need for asymptotic continuity, which cannot be defined in the traditional sense for infinite-dimensional systems. We consider three applications, to the resource theories of (I) optical nonclassicality, (II) entanglement, and (III) quantum thermodynamics. In cases (II) and (III), the employed monotones are the (infinite-dimensional) squashed entanglement and the free energy, respectively. For case (I), we consider the measured relative entropy of nonclassicality and prove it to be lower semicontinuous and strongly superadditive. One of our main technical contributions, and a key tool to establish these results, is a handy variational expression for the measured relative entropy of nonclassicality. Our technique then yields computable upper bounds on asymptotic transformation rates, including those achievable under linear optical elements. We also prove a number of results which guarantee that the measured relative entropy of nonclassicality is bounded on any physically meaningful state and easily computable for some classes of states of interest, e.g., Fock diagonal states. We conclude by applying our findings to the problem of cat state manipulation and noisy Fock state purification.
Spin-Dependent Momentum Conservation of Electron-Phonon Scattering in Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity, Clemens Vittmann, James Lim, Dario Tamascelli, Susana F. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 (2), 340–346 (2023), arXiv:2209.05323
The elucidation of the mechanisms underpinning chiral-induced spin selectivity remains an outstanding scientific challenge. Here we consider the role of delocalized phonon modes in electron transport in chiral structures and demonstrate that spin selectivity can originate from spin-dependent energy and momentum conservation in electron-phonon scattering events. While this mechanism is robust to the specific nature of the vibrational modes, the degree of spin polarization depends on environmental factors, such as the specific temperature and phonon relaxation rates, as well as the presence of external driving fields. This parametric dependence is used to present experimentally testable predictions of our model.
Reparameterization invariance in accelerated proton decay, M. Blasone, G. Lambiase, G.G. Luciano, L. Petruzziello, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2533, 012025 (2023)
The inverse β-decay of uniformly accelerated protons has proved to be a useful playground to investigate the asymptotic nature of mixed neutrino states - either flavor or mass. Based on recent results, here we explore in more depth the role of neutrino mixing in the inverse β-decay and the consistency with CP-violation in flavor oscillations. We compute the proton decay rate Γ both in the laboratory and in the comoving frame, taking into account the emergence of Unruh effect in the latter. We show that, while the flavor representation correctly leads to a CP-quantifier proportional to Jarlskog invariant, mass states give instead a vanishing value for such parameter. This implies that the mass basis cannot account for CP-asymmetry in neutrino oscillations, making its usage meaningless.


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