Institute of Theoretical Physics
Ulm University
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
D - 89069 Ulm
Director of the institute:
Prof. Dr. Martin B. Plenio
Dr. Gerlinde Walliser
E-mail: gerlinde.walliser(at)
Tel : ++49 / 731 / 50 - 22911
Fax : ++49 / 731 / 50 - 22924
Office: Building O25, room 410
How to reach us
Understanding composite, interacting quantum many body systems and harnessing their potential for quantum information purposes as quantum simulators or quantum sensors, as well as applying insights gained here to other fields, including biology, pose some of the most outstanding challenges in modern quantum physics.
Furthermore, our group investigates the possibility of forming interfaces between the these many-body systems and light in order to generate novel non-classical light sources and quantum memories for light.
Our research group aims to address these challenges by pursuing research in quantum information and entanglement theory as well as the theory of open quantum systems and the study of non-trivial quantum effects in biological systems. We work with a wide variety of technologies, including NV centers in diamond, trapped ions and optical cavities, by developing theoretical proposals whose realization and application for example in biology we are pursuing in collaboration with national and international groups and interacting very closely with the experimental groups in Ulm.