Theory Colloquium (winter term 2017/2018)

15-03-2018Prof. Dr. Hanoch Gutfreund (Former President of Hebrew University, Jerusalem)The Genesis of General Relativity and its Formative Years
13-12-2017Prof. Dr. Kai Bongs (University of Birmingham)Gravimeters and Clocks in the UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology
12-12-2017Prof. Dr. Hannes Lichte (Universität Dresden)Measurement of coherence and decoherence by inelastic interaction of electrons
14-11-2017Prof. Dr. Barry Garraway (University of Sussex)Adiabatic dressed potentials with cold atoms: Quantum technology applications
13-11-2017Prof. Juan Pablo Paz (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentinien)Fundamental limit for cooling of driven quantum systems
12-10-2017Prof. Dr. H. Vincent Poor (Princeton University)Wireless Communications: Information Theoretic Paths Forward
10-10-2017Prof. Konstadinos Siomos (Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Erlangen), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athen))The physical world and the Ionian miracle - A philosophical linguistic perspective