EU-Projekt DIAMANT - Aktuelles

"Nanoscale Detection of a Single Fundamental Charge in Ambient Conditions Using the NV− Center in Diamond" Phys Rev Lett (2014)

Universität Ulm

Dolde, F., Doherty, M.W., Michl, J., Jakobi, I., Naydenov, B., Pezzagna, S., Meijer, J., Neumann, P., Jelezko, F., Manson, N.B. & Wrachtrup, J. (2014) Nanoscale Detection of a Single Fundamental Charge in Ambient Conditions Using the NV− Center in DiamondPhysical Review Letters 112 : 097603. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.097603