Previous events at the Institute
- Maximilian Futterknecht presented his final talk "Towards efficient electron shelving for a trapped Ba+ ion." on his master thesis work in our library (room 45.2.304) on Thursday, 10th of October 2024 at 9:00 h.
- From 2nd to 5th July Dr. Eiles visited us again. He gave us lectures about scattering theory and we deepened our cooperation with him.
- Prof. Shinsuke Haze from Osaka University Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology was our guest from June 17 to 21, 2024.
- As part of our GiRyd research Dr. Matt Eiles from MPI Hamburg gave us a talk -> 'From trilobite molecules to tight-binding models'. From 23. - 26. 04. 2024 Dr. Eiles exchanged with us about our research.
- On 22. 04. 24 Dr. Andreas Stier from the Technical University of Munich visited us and gave a lecture as part of the Physikalisches Kolloquium entitled "Investigating atomically thin materials with the world’s largest magnets".
- From March 26 to April 4, 2024 Dr. Teodora Kirova from University of Latvia, Riga attended our institute to strengthen our cooperation in the new EU project Q-Dynamo.
- Prof. Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) visited our institute and presented a talk on January 23, 2023 about the quantum physics of interacting atoms and ions.
- Prof. Jose D'Incao (University of Boulder, Colorado) started his employment as a guest professor for two months at our Institute, starting at March 1st, 2023.
- On March 21st, 2023 Dr. Karol Gietka (University of Innsbruck, Austria) visited our labs and gave an interesting lecture on the topic "Understandig Critical Metrology".
- On April 24th, 2023 Prof. Rudolf Grimm (University of Innsbruck) was speaker at the Physical Colloquium and guest at our Insitute.
- Prof. Shinsuke Haze attended our Institute from April 20 to May for research exchange and planning of joint projects. We're very proud of our former Postdoc!
- From July 24 to 26, 2023, Prof. Eberhard Tiemann (University of Hannover) attended our institute. Many thanks for your support and input, Prof. Tiemann!
- During the semester break in summer 2023 Nicholas Land, a student from Great Britain, did an internship at our institute.
- Dr. Johannes Zeiher (MPI of Quantum Optics) gave a lecture on December 11, 2023, about the quantum simulation and quantum computing with neutral-atom arrays.
- Our academic senior councillor Dr. Wolfgang Limmer retired by March 2022. Best wishes for you from all Institute members, Wolfgang! Link to the pictures of the farewell party
- On March 30th, 2022, Raphael Müller successfully completed his doctorate.
- Dr. Axel Molle (University Leuven) presented a talk on March 15, 2022, about electron transfer and how it can enhance chemical reaction rates.
September 26, 2022, Amir Mahdian successfully completed his doctorate.
Prof. Jose D'Incao (University of Bouler, Colorado) is from October 10th 2022 for two months at our Institute. Welcome to our guest professor!
Prof. Shinsuke Haze (University of Osaka, Japan) attends our Institute from November 2nd, 2022 to November 29th, 2022 our Institute. Welcome to our former Postdoc!
- Prof. Jose D'Incao (University of Boulder, Colorado) was from 2021-06-14 on and from 2021-09-13 each for two months at our Institute.
- Huiting Liu from the University of Chicago joined our research team for three months as a College Summer Research Fellow.
- On February 21st, 2021, Amir Mohammadi successfully completed his doctorate.
- The research results of a collaboration of the Institute for Quantum Matter and groups from Hamburg and Stuttgart were published in Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013047 (2020). It was possible to directly observe spin-orbit interaction of an electron as it scatters from a neutral atom. For this, a long-range Rydberg molecule was used as a model system. Read more.
- On September 15th, 2020, Daniel Hoffmann successfully completed his doctorate.
- Our postdoc Shinsuke Haze awarded the prize "Young Scientist Award" from the 'Atomic Collision Society of Japan'. Congratulations!
- Prof. Jose D'Incao is 2019-02-04 and from 2019-06-17 for two months at our Institute as an assistent professor.
- On November 28th, 2019, Joschka Wolf successfully completed his doctorate.
- We are proud that Mr. Hecker Denschlag has been nominated as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Congratulations!
- On April 10th, 2018, Matthias Hocker successfully completed his doctorate.
- On December 18th, 2018, Florian Huber successfully completed his doctorate.
- Markus Deiß received a research bonus of the University of Ulm and the UUG (Society of the University of Ulm) for 2017. Congratulations!
- Our results on ultracold chemistry are published in Science 358, 921 (2017). Using a novel method we have quantum state-selectively probed the molecular products of a chemical reaction with unprecedented resolution and in a quantitative fashion. As model system we have investigated three-body recombination of neutral Rb atoms. From our measurements it was possible to derive propensity rules for the population of the product states.
- Using an optical lattice we have performed collision experiments with Rb2 molecules. For different well-defined quantum states (e.g. the triplet rovibrational ground state) we have measured reaction rates. We have observed that these reaction rates depend on the confinement of the molecules and the collision energy. This might be exploited in future to control chemical reactions. The results are published in Nat. Commun. 8, 14854 (2017).
- On March 31st, 2017, Artjom Krükow successfully completed his doctorate.
- On January 17th, 2017 Manfred Madel successfully completed his doctorate.
- On July 29, 2015, our colleague Markus Deiß successfully completed his doctoral thesis -> Alignment and Spectroscopy of Ultracold Rb2 Molecules with the doctoral colloquium.
- As part of the Rubidium Project, it was possible to align ultracold molecules in an optical lattice and to measure this using a novel method. The results are published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 233004 (2014). For a brief introduction, see also the American Physical Society's spotlight article and 'Physik in unserer Zeit'.
- On January 28, 2014 we generated the first molecular Bose-Einstein condensate from fermionic Li atoms in our LiLaLab.
- From March 27th to 29th, 2014 the 557th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus seminar 'Cold Ions Meet Cold Atoms' will take place in the Physics Center Bad Honnef. The organizers are the Institute for Quantum Information Processing and the Institute for Quantum Matter. Registration deadline: February 1, 2014
- Prof. Dr. Cheng Chin (University of Chicago, Ilinois) attends our group for January and February 2014 by a Humboldt scholarship.
- On July 30th, 2013, Arne Härter received the Co.Co.Mat Award 2013 of the SFB/ TRR21 for his dissertation on the interaction between atoms and ions. Congratulations!
- Experiments as part of our BaRbIE project provide the first insight into the quantum mechanical bonding states of atoms immediately after a three-particle collision. Link to the original article in Nature Physics - A brief summary and evaluation of the results can be found in the clearly written article by Stefan Willitsch (Uni Basel) in Nature Physics News & Views.
- Prof. Christophe Salomon from the ENS Paris was a guest at our institute on June 12th and 13th, 2013 and gave lectures on the topics From Ultracold Fermi Gases to Neutron Stars and Strongly interacting Bose Gases.
- Since June 2013, our colleague Artjom Krükow has received a scholarship from the Carl Zeiss Foundation.
- The SFB/TRR 21 was approved by the DFG for another 4 years. We are represented with the projects BaRbIE and LiLaLab.
- On May 15, 2013, Arne Härter successfully completed his work in the field of ultracold quantum gases with his doctorate.
- Since May 2012, our doctoral student Manfred Madel has received a one-year scholarship from the Carl Zeiss Foundation.
- In February 2012, two PhD students completed their PhD: Stefan Schmid in the field of ultracold quantum gases and Michael Glunk in the field of magnetic semiconductors.
- On October 19, 2011, Christoph Strauss successfully completed his work in the field of ultracold quantum gases with his doctorate.
- Since May 2011, the Carl Zeiss Foundation has been supporting our employee Dr. Benjamin Deissler and Benjamin Neuschl each with a two-year scholarship.
- Prof. Leif Veseth (University of Oslo, Norway) was a guest at our institute from May 19th to 27th, 2011 and held a lecture series entitled "Introduction into molecular physics" as part of the SFB/Transregio 21.
- Since December 2010, as part of the rubidium project, Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold rubidium atoms can be realized and loaded into a three-dimensional optical lattice.
- Photo gallery of the move from Innsbruck to Ulm in September 2009 and February 2010