Research Group Leopold

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Leopold
Room: N26/332
Phone: +49 731 50-22754

Head of the Group


Dezember 2024: Dominic Iannitto (MSc) erhält den Studienpreis Analytische Chemie der GDCh. Glückwunsch Dominic!

August 2024: Sebastian Hauser erhält den 1. Posterpreis auf der Denver X-ray Conference für den Beitrag Evaluation of different sample preparation procedures for trace elements in biological samples by TXRF - Performance and Greenness. Glückwunsch Sebastian!

June 2024: We congratulate Vivian Stock for her successful PhD defense!

September 2023: Riccarda Müller erhält den 2. Posterpreis auf der 19th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis ans Related Methods für den Beitrag X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for quantitative and distribution analysis of metals in POMbranes. Glückwunsch Riccarda!

September 2023: Sebastian Hauser erhält den 1. Posterpreis auf der 19th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis ans Related Methods für den Beitrag Trace metal analysis in placenta using TXRF and μXRF – impact of preservation. Glückwunsch Sebastian!

Dezember 2022: Dominic Iannitto (Bachelor) und Riccarda Müller (Master) erhalten den Studienpreis Analytische Chemie der GDCh. Glückwunsch Dominic und Riccarda!

July 2022: Der Studieninfo-Film “Alles ist Chemie” ist nun ONLINE. Wir danken insbesondere auch den vielen Mitwirkenden des IABC. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

July 2021: We congratulate Dominic Brucker for his successful PhD defense!

April 2021: We congratulate Maria Schalthauer for her successful PhD defense!

January 2021: Dominik Blaimer receives the "Absolventenpreis 2020" of Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie of GDCh. Congratulation Dominik!

October 2019: The Editorial Board of Spectrochimica Acta B has awarded the paper entitled "Investigation of the atomization mechanism of gold nanoparticles in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry“ by Anja Brandt and Kerstin Leopold with 2nd Best Paper Award 2018. The award was given at the Special SAB session at SciX2019 in Palm Springs, CA, USA.

September 2019: Dominic Brucker receives the 2. Poster Award at the CANAS meeting in Freiberg. Congratulation Dominic!

March 2019: Anja Brand receives the 2. poster award at the ANAKON 2019 meeting in Münster. The title of the awarded poster is "Investigation of the atomization mechansim of gold nanoparticles in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry". Congratulation Anja!

March 2018: Alexander Przewodnik receives the 2. Poster Award at the CANAS/ESAS meeting in Berlin. Congratulation Alex!

June 2017: We congratulate Jessica Huber for her successful PhD defense!

April 2017: The latest research on "Sizing gold nanoparticles using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry“ is featured on the Cover of JAAS (Leopold et al., J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 32 (2017) 723–730)

Juli 2016: Anja Brandt receives the 3. Poster Award at the ISEAC 39 (International Conference Series on Environmental and Food Monitoring) in Hamburg. Congratulation Anja!

Februar 2016: Kerstin Leopold has been awarded the Mileva Einstein-Maric Price for her outstanding involvement in the fields of Research, Teaching and University Self-Administration and at the same time reconciling her work with family life. Congratulations!

June 2015: Maria Schlathauer was awarded a 3-year doctoral grant from the Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU). Her subject is the  "Development of Test Stripes with catalytic active Nano Gold Layers for the identification of Mercury Traces with Atom Fluorescence Spectrometry and Plasmon Resonanz Spectrometry". Congratulation Maria!

Further News