Invited Speakers (confirmed)
Vlasta Bonacic-Koutecky, Humboldt University Berlin, GE
Sheng-Gui He, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Mark Johnson, Yale Unviversity, USA
Konrad Koszinowski, University of Göttingen, GE
Uzi Landman, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Alex Gentleman, Oxford University, UK
Fumitaka Mafuné, Tokyo University, Japan
Richard O'Hair, University of Melbourne, Australia
Joachim Sauer, Humboldt University, Berlin, GE
Helmut Schwarz, Technical University Berlin, GE
Martin Vollmer, Clariant Int. Ltd., Switzerland
Lai-Sheng Wang, Brown University, USA
Hot Topic Contributions
20 hot topic talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Please, submit your abstract until April 22, 2018.
Registration and abstract submission are open.
The second circular is published.
The first circular is published. Download poster here.
All participants of GPMC are invited to contribute to a special issue of the "Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie".
The final program and the book of abstract are online.
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