Open positions

Bachelor and Master theses

We are continuously welcoming new Bachelor and Master students.
Theses projects are integrated into current research projects. They typically comprise one or a mix of the following topics:
microscope development, molecular cloning, molecular biology, advanced fluorescence measurements, data analysis, software development, physical modeling.
Please contact Christof Gebhardt for more information on current theses projects.

PhD and Postdoc positions

We are looking for highly motivated and talented students with a strong background in physics and/or biochemistry. 
If you are interested in working in a young, dynamic and interdisciplinary research group at the exciting touch point of Physics and Biology and at the forefront of technical possibilities, please send a cv with academic record to: Christof Gebhardt

Professors:Prof. Dr. J. Christof M. Gebhardt
Prof. Dr. Kay-Eberhard Gottschalk
Senior-Professors:Prof. Dr. sc. nat./ETH Zürich Othmar Marti
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hörber

Adrian Greischel

N25 / 5208

Mo. - Do.:07:00 - 11:30 am and 12:30 - 04:00 pm
Fr.:07:00 - 11:30 am and 12:30 - 03:00 pm

Tel.:            +49 (0)731 50 23010
Fax:            +49 (0)731 50 23036

Address:Institute of Experimental Physics
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm

How to reach Ulm University:
Directions, Campusnavigator
e.g. with the tram:
From Ulm main station, every 10 minutes, take tram 2 towards Science Park II until stop Universität Süd.

How to find the institute:
The Institute of Experimental Physics is located in building part N25 of the university East on level 5. The secretariat is in room N25/5208.
from South entrance: go through the entire entry hall towards the North until the staircase/lift of N25.
from North entrance: go left (East) to M25, then right (South) to the staircase/lift of N25.
from East entrance: go left (West) to the staircase/lift of N25.

If you are lost: call the secretariat via   0731 50 23010.