Our vision

In a living organism, numerous inanimate biomolecules and their inherently stochastic interactions are precisely orchestrated and organized in space and time, together enabling the enigma of life. We strive to understand these molecular interactions and the mechanisms that control them, to learn more about life processes, their underlying physical principles and the bases of disease in case of malfunction.

We use and develop techniques such as single molecule fluorescence microscopy, super-resolution microscopy or force spectroscopy to follow the operation of individual molecules inside living cells and organisms or in reconstituted systems. Thus we extract quantitative kinetic and structural information that enables us to build models of molecular interactions and biological mechanisms.

Single molecule biophysics across the scale

We reconstitute biological systems using purified biomolecules and study them with modern single molecule techniques.
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We investigate basic cellular processes such as transcription by single molecule fluorescence and super-resolution microscopy in living cells.
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In living multicellular organisms, we study complex processes such as animal development and differentiation using single molecule fluorescence microscopy.
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Our tools

We develop single molecule and super-resolution instruments with highest sensitivity, precision and stability.
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For data analysis, we develop new algorithms and software tools.
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We use state-of-the-art molecular biology methods to purify biomolecules and create cell lines and embryos.