Research interests
I am mainly interested in the processes of disease ecology, principally the interactions between the host-microbiome and pathogens, as well as co-infection processes. My special interest are emerging fungal diseases in non-model species threatened by anthropogenic factors like pollution, habitat fragmentation and climate change. Since the emergence of fungal pathogens is increasing considerably, investigating the interaction of the host-associated microbiome and fungal infections is timely. Understanding these interactions can allow us to extend the knowledge about the susceptibility and the adaptability of host species threatened by new emerging diseases. My research interests include:
- Microbiome and mycobiome composition of reptiles
- Microbiome assembly during host development
- The nidobiome concept applied to oviparous species lacking parental care
- Fungal emerging diseases
- Host-pathogen interaction
- Marine and freshwater turtles
Scientific projects
During my master thesis I examined the effects of the new emerging fungal diseases fusariosis on the microbiome of the yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle, including I) quantifying the egg microbiome and the influence of the nest environment, II) quantifying the influence of the egg microbiome on the gut microbiome of new hatchlings III) gut microbiome assemblage along with juvenile development and the influence of the river environment. Since preliminary data from my master thesis have confirmed for the first time that fusariosis infections are affecting the hatching success of a freshwater turtle, my current research is focused on the infection processes of this new emerging fungal disease. Thus, my PhD research aims to understand the I) epidemiology and aetiology of Fusarium pathogens, II) interaction of the host-associated bacterial microbiome and fungal mycobiome with Fusariosis infection and hatching success of the yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle, and III) effects of pollution and forest fragmentation on the microbiome and how these stressors can affect disease susceptibility and adaptability processes.
Carranco A. S., Gillingham M. A. F., Wilhelm K., Torres M. de L., Sommer S. & Romo D. (2022). Transcending sea turtles: First report of hatching failure in eggs of an Amazonian freshwater turtle with symptoms of the fungal emerging disease fusariosis. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, tbed.14596. (
Carranco A. S., Romo D., de Lourdes Torres M., Wilhelm K., Sommer S. & Gillingham M. A. F. (2022). Egg microbiota is the starting point of hatchling gut microbiota in the endangered yellow‐spotted Amazon river turtle. Molecular Ecology, mec.16548. (
Conference contributions
First International Symposium on ONE HEALTH Epigenomes and Microbiomes: From Soil to People -September 2022. Poster presentation and Guest Speaker: Investigation of the egg and cloacal microbiota of the Yellow-Spotted Amazon river turtle after the first report of egg hatching failure caused by the emerging fungal disease Fusariosis.
- Ana Sofia Carranco, MSc.
Institute of Evolutionary Ecology
and Conservation Genomics
University of Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Tel: /
Email: ana.carranco-narvaez ()