Prof. Dr. Simone Sommer
Conservation Genomics and EcoHealth
Our research uses an interdisciplinary, integrative approach to investigate the effects of anthropogenic impact, land use change and environmental pollution on wildlife health and zoonotic diseases. We have a wide-range of projects in Africa, Central and Latin America, but also at the door-step.
- Assessment of environmental change on Mammalian biodiversity: species communities, and generalist and specialist species abundance pattern
- Wildlife health monitoring using microscopic and molecular parasite and pathogen screening tools
- Deciphering the role of wildlife immune genomics (MHC, TLR) and genome-wide diversity (SNPs) in pathogen resistance and life history decisions
- Role of gut and skin microbiome communities in host resilience and health consequences of dysbiosis
- Integrating multivariate data sets to advance our understanding of host-pathogen interactions and disease ecology of zoonotic infections.
Recent research highlights (PDF)

Prof. Dr. Simone Sommer (Director)
University of Ulm
Institute of Evolutionary Ecology
and Conservation Genomics
Albert-Einstein Allee 11
D-89081 Ulm
Tel.: 0049-731-5022660
Fax: 0049-731-5022683
Simone.Sommer ()