Dr. A. Capodeanu-Nägler | |
Dr. J. Chemnitz Sexual selection, Chemical communication, Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Biology | |
Dr. T. Conrad | |
Dr. M.A Cuervo Martinez | |
Dr. K. Engel | |
Dr. J. Gögler | |
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz der Leitung Universitätsklinikum Ulm Chemical ecology, Functional traits, Climate change and Plant-pollinator interactions | |
Ecology, Taxonomy and conservation of pollinators | |
Wildlife Ecology and Management at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Insect Ecology | |
Dr. K. Jung | |
Dr. S. Jarau | |
Dr. K. Kindermann | |
Dr. E. Keppner | |
Dr. J. Kuppler Biotic interactions, functional traits, intraspecific variation, biodiversity, community ecology, global change, chemical ecology, flowers | |
Dr. A. Lückemeyer | |
Dr. C. Martel | |
Dr. A. Mayr | |
Pr. Dr. P. Milet-Pinheiro | |
Dr. O. Nevo | |
Dr. U. Neumüller | |
Dr. R. Oliveira | |
Dr. A.-M. Rottler-Hoermann Chemical communication, Physiology of insect olfaction, Bumblebee social behaviour, Worker reproduction, Task allocation | |
Professor at Bayreuth University, Germany: Prof. Dr. Sandra Steiger ( Behavioural Ecology, Chemical Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Chemical communication, Sexual selection, Evolution of parental and biparental care, Life-history theory, Social insects | |
Dr. I. Steitz | |
Chemical ecology, Bee health, Land-use effects on wild bees, Pollination | |
Dr. S. Weithmann Forensic Entomology / Chemoecology, Microbiome of decomposing piglet cadavers, Cadaver odor, chemical attraction of necrophilous flies and beetles to vertebrate carrion, decomposition processes |