

Dr. A. Capodeanu-Nägler
Evolutionary Ecology, Parental care in burying beetles, Behavioural Ecology, Chemical communication

  Dr. J. Chemnitz

Sexual selection, Chemical communication, Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Biology


Dr. T. Conrad
Evolutionary, Animal Ecology


Dr. M.A Cuervo Martinez
Pollination ecology of orchids, Chemical ecology and Conservation


Dr. K. Engel
Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Chemical communication


Dr. J. Gögler
Pollinator attraction, hybridization and speciation in sexually deceptive orchids of the genus Ophrys


Dr. R. Höfer

Wissenschaftliche Assistenz der Leitung Universitätsklinikum Ulm

Chemical ecology, Functional traits, Climate change and Plant-pollinator interactions


B.Sc. S. Hopfenmüller 

Ecology, Taxonomy and conservation of pollinators


Dr. C. von Hörmann

Wildlife Ecology and Management at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Insect Ecology


Dr. K. Jung
Behavioural ecology, Sensory ecology, Tropical biology, Influence of urbanization on species composition and activity patterns, Conservation, Bats


Dr. S. Jarau
Professor at Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg (Austria) 


Dr. K. Kindermann
Chemical communication in interactions of generalist and specialized cuckoo bumblebees and their bumblebee hosts


Dr. E. Keppner
Evolutionary Ecology, Parental care in burying beetles,  Behavioural Ecology, Sexual conflict


Dr. J. Kuppler

Biotic interactions, functional traits, intraspecific variation, biodiversity, community ecology, global change, chemical ecology, flowers


Dr. A. Lückemeyer
Bumblebee social parasites, invasive behaviour, chemical communication, bumblebee rearing, glandular histology


Dr. C. Martel
Pollination ecology of orchids, Floral scents, Sexual deception and floral isolation mechanisms, Chemical ecology in Neotropical plants


Dr. A. Mayr
Wild bee ecology, Tropical biology, Chemical and molecular ecology, Biodiversity patterns under global change, Conservation biology


Pr. Dr. P. Milet-Pinheiro
Professor at Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


Dr. O. Nevo
Evolutionary ecologist specializing on the evolution of fleshy fruits, especially fruit scent.


Dr. U. Neumüller
Wild bee Ecology, Community assembly processes, Land use impacts on biodiversity, Agroecology


Dr. R. Oliveira
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


Dr. C. Reichle
WALA Heilmittel GmbH

  Dr. A.-M. Rottler-Hoermann

Chemical communication, Physiology of insect olfaction, Bumblebee social behaviour, Worker reproduction, Task allocation


Prof. Dr. S. Steiger

Professor at Bayreuth University, Germany: Prof. Dr. Sandra Steiger (

Behavioural Ecology, Chemical Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Chemical communication, Sexual selection, Evolution of parental and biparental care, Life-history theory, Social insects


Dr. I. Steitz
Chemical communication, Social evolution, Behavioral Ecology, Social polymorphism


Dr. F. Straub

Chemical ecology, Bee health, Land-use effects on wild bees, Pollination

  Dr. S. Weithmann
Forensic Entomology / Chemoecology, Microbiome of decomposing piglet cadavers, Cadaver odor, chemical attraction of necrophilous flies and beetles to vertebrate carrion, decomposition processes