Key Papers (chronological)


A full list can be found here: Lena Wilfert @ Google Scholar

Straub F, Birkenbach M, Boesing AL, Manning P, Olsson O, Kuppler J, Wilfert L, Ayasse M (2025). Local and landscape factors differently influence health and pollination services in two important pollinator groups. Sci. Total. Env. 959:178330.

Birkenbach M, Straub F, Kiesel A, Ayasse M, Wilfert L & Kuppler J (2024). Land-use affects pollinator-specific resource availability and pollinator foraging behaviour. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11061.

Dobelmann J, Manley R and Wilfert L (2024). Caught in the act: the invasion of a viral vector changes viral prevalence and titre in native honeybees and bumblebees. Biol. Lett. 20:20230600

Straub F, Birkenbach M, Leonhardt SD, Ruedenauer FA, Kuppler J, Wilfert L, Ayasse M (2023). Land-use-associated stressors interact to reduce bumblebee health at the individual and colony level. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20231322.

Manley R, Doublet V, Wright ON, Doyle T, Refoy I, Hedges S, Pascall D, Carvell C, Brown MJF, Wilfert L (2023). Conservation measures or hotspots of disease transmission? Agri-environment schemes can reduce disease prevalence in pollinator communities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378: 20220004.

Hou C, Liang H, Chen C, Zhao H, Zhao P, Deng S, Li B, Yang D, Yang S, & Wilfert L (2023). Lake Sinai virus is a diverse, globally distributed but not emerging multi-strain honeybee virus. Molecular Ecology, 32, 3859-3871.

Doublet V, Doyle T, Refoy I, Hedges S, Carvell C, Brown MJF, Wilfert L (2022). Increasing flower species richness in agricultural landscapes alters insect pollinator networks: implications for bee health and competition. Ecology and Evolution, 12(10): e9442.

Archer CR, Fähnle J, Pretzner M, Üstüner C, Weber N, Sutter A, Doublet V & Wilfert L. (2021) Complex relationship between amino acids, fitness and food intake in Bombus terrestris. Amino Acids 53:1545-1558.

Wilfert L, Brown MJF, Doublet V (2021). OneHealth implications of infectious diseases of wild and managed bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 186: 107506. 

Manley R, Temperton B, Boots M, Wilfert L (2020). Contrasting impacts of a novel specialist vector on multihost viral pathogen epidemiology in wild and managed bees. Molecular Ecology, 29(2):380-93.

Bailes EJ, Bagi J, Coltman J, Fountain MT, Wilfert L, Brown MJF (2020). Host density drives viral, but not trypanosome, transmission in a key pollinator. Proc R Soc B, 287(1918):20191969.

Manley R, Temperton B, Doyle T, Gates D, Hedges S, Boots M, Wilfert L (2019). Knock-on community impacts of a novel vector: spillover of emerging DWV-B from Varroa-infested honeybees to wild bumblebees. Ecology Letters, 22: 1306-1315.

Diao Q, Yang D, Zhao H, Deng S, Wang X, Hou C, Wilfert L (2019). Prevalence and population genetics of the emerging honey bee pathogen DWV in Chinese apiculture. Scientific Reports, 9: 12042. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48618-y) (

Bartlett LJ., Rozins C, Brosi BJ, Delaplane KS, de Roode JC, White A, Wilfert L, Boots M (2019). Industrial bees: the impact of agricultural intensification on local disease prevalence. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 2195-2205.

McMahon DP, Wilfert L, Paxton RJ, Brown MJF (2018). Emerging viruses in bees: From molecules to ecology. Advances in Virus Research, 101: 251-291.

Manley R, Boots M, Wilfert L (2017). Condition-dependent virulence of slow bee paralysis virus in Bombus terrestris: are the impacts of honeybee viruses in wild pollinators underestimated? Oecologia, 184 (2): 305-315.

Wilfert L, Long G, Leggett HC, Schmid-Hempel P, Butlin R, Martin SJM, Boots M (2016). Deformed wing virus is a recent global epidemic in honeybees driven by Varroa mites. Science, 351 (6273): 594-597. DOI: 10.1126/science.aac9976

Manley R, Boots M, Wilfert L (2015). Emerging viral disease risk to pollinating insects: ecological, evolutionary and anthropogenic factors. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52 (2): 331-340.

Wilfert L, Jiggins FM (2013). The dynamics of reciprocal selective sweeps of host resistance and a parasite counter-adaptation in Drosophila. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 67 (3): 761-773.

Wilfert L, Gadau J, Schmid-Hempel P (2007). Variation in genomic recombination rates among animal taxa and the case of social insects. Heredity, 98 (4): 189.

L Wilfert, Gadau J, Baer B, Schmid-Hempel P (2007). Natural variation in the genetic architecture of a host–parasite interaction in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Molecular Ecology, 16 (6): 1327-1339.