Guidelines for presenters
Oral presentations:
Please bring your presentation on a memory stick. As we will have parallel sessions, a strict time management is necessary, so we urge you not to use your own laptop. Please check the time and lecture room for your presentation, identify yourself to the session chair and upload your presentation to the computer before the start of your session (lecture halls are equipped with a beamer, computer with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader, microphone and laser pointer). The standard slide format is 16:9. Please stay within the time allotted for your presentation:
Plenary lecture: 45 minutes
Keynote lecture: 30 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion)
Invited and oral presentations: 20 minutes (including 3 minutes for discussion)
Poster presentations:
The poster boards are fitted for poster size A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm). Material for mounting your poster will be provided.
Please mount you poster on Tuesday morning or during morning coffee break or during lunch break. The poster boards will be numbered, please check the list in the book of abstracts. Please, mount your poster on the board marked with your number. Posters for both sessions should be already mounted on Tuesday.
There will be two poster sessions (Tuesday - odd poster numbers and Wednesday - even poster numbers). Please be present at your poster in the poster session marked with your number, so that the poster prize judges can talk to you.
We have eight prizes generously sponsored by Elsevier, RSC (Analyst, Analytical Methods), Springer (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry) and Wiley-VCH GmbH (ChemElectroChem, Electroanalysis).