March 2020
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Roberto Gonzalez
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Visiting student Giovanni Ferrari from Padova University
Institut für Quantenoptik
Prof. Kai-Mei Fu, University of Washington, Seattle
Institut für Quantenoptik
Prof. Dima Budker, Mainz
Institut für Quantenoptik
Pro.f Alexei Jerschow, New York University
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Prof. Vanesa Gottifredi, Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires
February 2020
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Albert Cabot
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Mauricio Matera
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Johannes Feist
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Roberto Gonzalez
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Dr. Ho-Joon Kim
Institute of Molecular Virology
Prof. Ehud Gazit, University of Tel Aviv
Institute of Protein Biochemistry
Prof. Frank Sobott, University of Leeds
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Prof. Vanesa Gottifredi, Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires
January 2020
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Albert Cabot
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Mauricio Matera
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Valentina Parigi
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Gerardo Adesso
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Prof. Ulrich Schollwoeck
December 2019
Institute of Molecular Virology
Prof. Jeremy Luban, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Materialwissenschaftliche Elektronenmikroskopie
Dr. Christopher Russo, University of Cambridge
November 2019
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Dr. Animesh Datta, Warwick University, UK
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Dr. Kavan Modi, Monash University, Australia
Institute of Quantum Optics
Prof. Milos Nesladek, Hasselt University, Belgium
Institute of Molecular Virology
Dr. Dominik Bucher, TU München
Institute of Molecular Virology
Herr Jonas Löbert, re-root Ulm
Institute of Molecular Virology
Prof. Meytal Landau, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
October 2019
Innere Medizin
Prof. Bruno Sainz, University of Madrid
Institute of Molecular Virology
Dr. Christian Pfaller, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen
September 2019
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Prof. Pedro Gois, Lisbon University, Portugal
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Assoc. Prof. Kasturi Muthoosamy, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Prof. Ting Xu, UC Berkeley
Institute for Molecular Virology
Prof. Karsten Rippe, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
Institute for Molecular Virology
Prof. Stefan Pöhlmann, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Göttingen
Institute for Molecular Virology
Prof. Yuxian Hu, Center for AIDS Research, Beijing, China
Institute of Quntum Optics
Prof. Milos Nesladek, Hasselt University, Belgium
August 2019
July 2019
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Dr. Erik Gauger, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Alex W Chin, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) & Sorbonne Université
Materialwissenschaftliche Elektronenmikroskopie
Prof. Rasmus Schröder, Heidelberg University
Institute for Molecular Virology
Prof. Shu Sin Chng, National University of Singapore
Institute for Experimentelle Tumorforschung
Prof. Zachary Hunter, Dana Faber Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston
Institute for Molecular Virology
Prof. Beatrix Hahn, University of Pennsylvania
Institute of Protein Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Dieter Willbold, Düsseldorf University and Forschungszentrum Jülich
June 2019
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Dr. Simone Ruggeri, University of Cambridge
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Dr. Christopher Synatschke, Max Planck Institut, Mainz
May 2019
Institute of Molecular Virology
Prof. Eberhard Hildt, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen
Institute of Virology
Dr. Barbara Adler, Max von Pettenkofer-Institut, München
Institute of Virology
Prof. Yves Muller Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Institute of Quantum Optics
Prof. Tom Wenkebach, Leiden University, Netherlands