
Here you can find some selected publications (last update: Jan 2024).
For the full publication list please refer to the PubMed site


Tittes, C.; Nijland, J.; Schoentag, A. M. C.; Hackl, T.; Di Cianni, N.; Marchfelder, A.; Quax, T. E. F. Development of a Genetic System for Haloferax Gibbonsii LR2-5, Model Host for Haloarchaeal Viruses. Appl Environ Microbiol 2024, 90 (4), e0012924.


Schiller, H.; Hong, Y.; Kouassi, J.; Rados, T.; Kwak, J.; DiLucido, A.; Safer, D.; Marchfelder, A.; Pfeiffer, F.; Bisson, A.; Schulze, S.; Pohlschroder, M. Identification of Structural and Regulatory Cell-Shape Determinants in Haloferax Volcanii. Nat Commun 2024, 15 (1), 1414.


Sailer, A.-L.; Jevtic, Z.; Stoll, B.; Wörtz, J.; Sharma, K.; Urlaub, H.; Dyall-Smith, M.; Pfeiffer, F.; Marchfelder, A.; Lenz, C. Iron Starvation Results in Up-Regulation of a Probable Haloferax Volcanii Siderophore Transporter. Front Microbiol 2024, 15, 1422844.


Mills, J.; Gebhard, L. J.; Schubotz, F.; Shevchenko, A.; Speth, D. R.; Liao, Y.; Duggin, I. G.; Marchfelder, A.; Erdmann, S. Extracellular Vesicle Formation in Euryarchaeota Is Driven by a Small GTPase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024, 121 (10), e2311321121.


Miezner, G.; Turgeman-Grott, I.; Zatopek, K. M.; Gardner, A. F.; Reshef, L.; Choudhary, D. K.; Alstetter, M.; Allers, T.; Marchfelder, A.; Gophna, U. An Archaeal Cas3 Protein Facilitates Rapid Recovery from DNA Damage. Microlife 2023, 4, uqad007.


Hadjeras, L.; Bartel, J.; Maier, L.-K.; Maaß, S.; Vogel, V.; Svensson, S. L.; Eggenhofer, F.; Gelhausen, R.; Müller, T.; Alkhnbashi, O. S.; Backofen, R.; Becher, D.; Sharma, C. M.; Marchfelder, A. Revealing the Small Proteome of Haloferax Volcanii by Combining Ribosome Profiling and Small-Protein Optimized Mass Spectrometry. Microlife 2023, 4, uqad001.


Wörtz, J.; Smith, V.; Fallmann, J.; König, S.; Thuraisingam, T.; Walther, P.; Urlaub, H.; Stadler, P. F.; Allers, T.; Hille, F.; Marchfelder, A. Cas1 and Fen1 Display Equivalent Functions During Archaeal DNA Repair. Front Microbiol 2022, 13, 822304.


Schwarz, T. S.; Schreiber, S. S.; Marchfelder, A. CRISPR Interference as a Tool to Repress Gene Expression in Haloferax Volcanii. Methods Mol Biol 2022, 2522, 57–85.


Märkle, P.; Maier, L.-K.; Maaß, S.; Hirschfeld, C.; Bartel, J.; Becher, D.; Voß, B.; Marchfelder, A. A Small RNA Is Linking CRISPR-Cas and Zinc Transport. Front Mol Biosci 2021, 8, 640440.


Liao, Y.; Vogel, V.; Hauber, S.; Bartel, J.; Alkhnbashi, O. S.; Maaß, S.; Schwarz, T. S.; Backofen, R.; Becher, D.; Duggin, I. G.; Marchfelder, A. CdrS Is a Global Transcriptional Regulator Influencing Cell Division in Haloferax Volcanii. mBio 2021, 12 (4), e0141621.


Turkowyd, B.; Schreiber, S.; Wörtz, J.; Segal, E. S.; Mevarech, M.; Duggin, I. G.; Marchfelder, A.; Endesfelder, U. Establishing Live-Cell Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy Imaging and Single-Particle Tracking in the Archaeon Haloferax Volcanii. Front Microbiol 2020, 11, 583010.


Stachler, A.-E.; Wörtz, J.; Alkhnbashi, O. S.; Turgeman-Grott, I.; Smith, R.; Allers, T.; Backofen, R.; Gophna, U.; Marchfelder, A. Adaptation Induced by Self-Targeting in a Type I-B CRISPR-Cas System. J Biol Chem 2020, 295 (39), 13502–13515.


Stachler, A.-E.; Schwarz, T. S.; Schreiber, S.; Marchfelder, A. CRISPRi as an Efficient Tool for Gene Repression in Archaea. Methods 2020, 172, 76–85.


Schwarz, T. S.; Berkemer, S. J.; Bernhart, S. H.; Weiß, M.; Ferreira-Cerca, S.; Stadler, P. F.; Marchfelder, A. Splicing Endonuclease Is an Important Player in rRNA and tRNA Maturation in Archaea. Front Microbiol 2020, 11, 594838.


Schulze, S.; Adams, Z.; Cerletti, M.; De Castro, R.; Ferreira-Cerca, S.; Fufezan, C.; Giménez, M. I.; Hippler, M.; Jevtic, Z.; Knüppel, R.; Legerme, G.; Lenz, C.; Marchfelder, A.; Maupin-Furlow, J.; Paggi, R. A.; Pfeiffer, F.; Poetsch, A.; Urlaub, H.; Pohlschroder, M. The Archaeal Proteome Project Advances Knowledge about Archaeal Cell Biology through Comprehensive Proteomics. Nat Commun 2020, 11 (1), 3145.


Pfeiffer, F.; Losensky, G.; Marchfelder, A.; Habermann, B.; Dyall-Smith, M. Whole-Genome Comparison between the Type Strain of Halobacterium Salinarum (DSM 3754(T) ) and the Laboratory Strains R1 and NRC-1. Microbiologyopen 2020, 9 (2), e974.


Marchfelder, A. CRISPR-Cas: In Rekordzeit von der Grundlagenforschung zur Anwendung. Biospektrum (Heidelb) 2020, 26 (7), 806.


Maier, L.-K.; Marchfelder, A.; Randau, L. Meeting Report: German Genetics Society-Genome Editing with CRISPR. Bioessays 2020, 42 (2), e1900223.


Kubatova, N.; Pyper, D. J.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Saxena, K.; Remmel, L.; Richter, C.; Brantl, S.; Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E.; Hess, W. R.; Klug, G.; Marchfelder, A.; Soppa, J.; Streit, W.; Mayzel, M.; Orekhov, V. Y.; Fuxreiter, M.; Schmitz, R. A.; Schwalbe, H. Rapid Biophysical Characterization and NMR Spectroscopy Structural Analysis of Small Proteins from Bacteria and Archaea. Chembiochem 2020, 21 (8), 1178–1187.


Kubatova, N.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Saxena, K.; Richter, C.; Vogel, V.; Schreiber, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Schwalbe, H. Solution Structure and Dynamics of the Small Protein HVO_2922 from Haloferax Volcanii. Chembiochem 2020, 21 (1–2), 149–156.


Berkemer, S. J.; Maier, L.-K.; Amman, F.; Bernhart, S. H.; Wörtz, J.; Märkle, P.; Pfeiffer, F.; Stadler, P. F.; Marchfelder, A. Identification of RNA 3´ Ends and Termination Sites in Haloferax Volcanii. RNA Biol 2020, 17 (5), 663–676.


Turgeman-Grott, I.; Joseph, S.; Marton, S.; Eizenshtein, K.; Naor, A.; Soucy, S. M.; Stachler, A.-E.; Shalev, Y.; Zarkor, M.; Reshef, L.; Altman-Price, N.; Marchfelder, A.; Gophna, U. Pervasive Acquisition of CRISPR Memory Driven by Inter-Species Mating of Archaea Can Limit Gene Transfer and Influence Speciation. Nat Microbiol 2019, 4 (1), 177–186.


Schwarz, T. S.; Wäber, N. B.; Feyh, R.; Weidenbach, K.; Schmitz, R. A.; Marchfelder, A.; Hartmann, R. K. Homologs of Aquifex Aeolicus Protein-Only RNase P Are Not the Major RNase P Activities in the Archaea Haloferax Volcanii and Methanosarcina Mazei. IUBMB Life 2019, 71 (8), 1109–1116.


Pfeiffer, F.; Marchfelder, A.; Habermann, B.; Dyall-Smith, M. L. The Genome Sequence of the Halobacterium Salinarum Type Strain Is Closely Related to That of Laboratory Strains NRC-1 and R1. Microbiol Resour Announc 2019, 8 (28).


Maier, L.-K.; Stachler, A.-E.; Brendel, J.; Stoll, B.; Fischer, S.; Haas, K. A.; Schwarz, T. S.; Alkhnbashi, O. S.; Sharma, K.; Urlaub, H.; Backofen, R.; Gophna, U.; Marchfelder, A. The Nuts and Bolts of the Haloferax CRISPR-Cas System I-B. RNA Biol 2019, 16 (4), 469–480.


Maier, L.-K.; Marchfelder, A. It’s All about the T: Transcription Termination in Archaea. Biochem Soc Trans 2019, 47 (1), 461–468.


Jevtić, Ž.; Stoll, B.; Pfeiffer, F.; Sharma, K.; Urlaub, H.; Marchfelder, A.; Lenz, C. The Response of Haloferax Volcanii to Salt and Temperature Stress: A Proteome Study by Label-Free Mass Spectrometry. Proteomics 2019, 19 (20), e1800491.


Charpentier, E.; Elsholz, A.; Marchfelder, A. CRISPR-Cas: More than Ten Years and Still Full of Mysteries. RNA Biol 2019, 16 (4), 377–379.


Clouet-d’Orval, B.; Batista, M.; Bouvier, M.; Quentin, Y.; Fichant, G.; Marchfelder, A.; Maier, L.-K. Insights into RNA-Processing Pathways and Associated RNA-Degrading Enzymes in Archaea. FEMS Microbiol Rev 2018, 42 (5), 579–613.


Stachler, A.-E.; Turgeman-Grott, I.; Shtifman-Segal, E.; Allers, T.; Marchfelder, A.; Gophna, U. High Tolerance to Self-Targeting of the Genome by the Endogenous CRISPR-Cas System in an Archaeon. Nucleic Acids Res 2017, 45 (9), 5208–5216.


Ma, M.; Li de la Sierra-Gallay, I.; Lazar, N.; Pellegrini, O.; Durand, D.; Marchfelder, A.; Condon, C.; van Tilbeurgh, H. The Crystal Structure of Trz1, the Long Form RNase Z from Yeast. Nucleic Acids Res 2017, 45 (10), 6209–6216.


Gophna, U.; Allers, T.; Marchfelder, A. Finally, Archaea Get Their CRISPR-Cas Toolbox. Trends Microbiol 2017, 25 (6), 430–432.


Stachler, A.-E.; Marchfelder, A. Gene Repression in Haloarchaea Using the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)-Cas I-B System. J Biol Chem 2016, 291 (29), 15226–15242.


Babski, J.; Haas, K. A.; Näther-Schindler, D.; Pfeiffer, F.; Förstner, K. U.; Hammelmann, M.; Hilker, R.; Becker, A.; Sharma, C. M.; Marchfelder, A.; Soppa, J. Genome-Wide Identification of Transcriptional Start Sites in the Haloarchaeon Haloferax Volcanii Based on Differential RNA-Seq (dRNA-Seq). BMC Genomics 2016, 17 (1), 629.


Sharma, K.; Hrle, A.; Kramer, K.; Sachsenberg, T.; Staals, R. H. J.; Randau, L.; Marchfelder, A.; van der Oost, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Conti, E.; Urlaub, H. Analysis of Protein-RNA Interactions in CRISPR Proteins and Effector Complexes by UV-Induced Cross-Linking and Mass Spectrometry. Methods 2015, 89, 138–148.


Maier, L.-K.; Stachler, A.-E.; Saunders, S. J.; Backofen, R.; Marchfelder, A. An Active Immune Defense with a Minimal CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) RNA and without the Cas6 Protein. J Biol Chem 2015, 290 (7), 4192–4201.


Maier, L.-K.; Dyall-Smith, M.; Marchfelder, A. The Adaptive Immune System of Haloferax Volcanii. Life (Basel) 2015, 5 (1), 521–537.


Maier, L.-K.; Benz, J.; Fischer, S.; Alstetter, M.; Jaschinski, K.; Hilker, R.; Becker, A.; Allers, T.; Soppa, J.; Marchfelder, A. Deletion of the Sm1 Encoding Motif in the Lsm Gene Results in Distinct Changes in the Transcriptome and Enhanced Swarming Activity of Haloferax Cells. Biochimie 2015, 117, 129–137.


Cass, S. D. B.; Haas, K. A.; Stoll, B.; Alkhnbashi, O. S.; Sharma, K.; Urlaub, H.; Backofen, R.; Marchfelder, A.; Bolt, E. L. The Role of Cas8 in Type I CRISPR Interference. Biosci Rep 2015, 35 (3).


Skowronek, E.; Grzechnik, P.; Späth, B.; Marchfelder, A.; Kufel, J. tRNA 3’ Processing in Yeast Involves tRNase Z, Rex1, and Rrp6. RNA 2014, 20 (1), 115–130.


Jaschinski, K.; Babski, J.; Lehr, M.; Burmester, A.; Benz, J.; Heyer, R.; Dörr, M.; Marchfelder, A.; Soppa, J. Generation and Phenotyping of a Collection of sRNA Gene Deletion Mutants of the Haloarchaeon Haloferax Volcanii. PLoS One 2014, 9 (3), e90763.


Hrle, A.; Maier, L.-K.; Sharma, K.; Ebert, J.; Basquin, C.; Urlaub, H.; Marchfelder, A.; Conti, E. Structural Analyses of the CRISPR Protein Csc2 Reveal the RNA-Binding Interface of the Type I-D Cas7 Family. RNA Biol 2014, 11 (8), 1072–1082.


Brendel, J.; Stoll, B.; Lange, S. J.; Sharma, K.; Lenz, C.; Stachler, A.-E.; Maier, L.-K.; Richter, H.; Nickel, L.; Schmitz, R. A.; Randau, L.; Allers, T.; Urlaub, H.; Backofen, R.; Marchfelder, A. A Complex of Cas Proteins 5, 6, and 7 Is Required for the Biogenesis and Stability of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats  (Crispr)-Derived Rnas (Crrnas) in Haloferax Volcanii. J Biol Chem 2014, 289 (10), 7164–7177.


Babski, J.; Maier, L.-K.; Heyer, R.; Jaschinski, K.; Prasse, D.; Jäger, D.; Randau, L.; Schmitz, R. A.; Marchfelder, A.; Soppa, J. Small Regulatory RNAs in Archaea. RNA Biol 2014, 11 (5), 484–493.


Stoll, B.; Maier, L.-K.; Lange, S. J.; Brendel, J.; Fischer, S.; Backofen, R.; Marchfelder, A. Requirements for a Successful Defence Reaction by the CRISPR-Cas Subtype I-B System. Biochem Soc Trans 2013, 41 (6), 1444–1448.


Schnattinger, T.; Schöning, U.; Marchfelder, A.; Kestler, H. A. RNA-Pareto: Interactive Analysis of Pareto-Optimal RNA Sequence-Structure Alignments. Bioinformatics 2013, 29 (23), 3102–3104.


Marchfelder, A. Special Focus CRISPR-Cas. RNA Biol 2013, 10 (5), 655–658.


Maier, L.-K.; Stoll, B.; Brendel, J.; Fischer, S.; Pfeiffer, F.; Dyall-Smith, M.; Marchfelder, A. The Ring of Confidence: A Haloarchaeal CRISPR/Cas System. Biochem Soc Trans 2013, 41 (1), 374–378.


Maier, L.-K.; Lange, S. J.; Stoll, B.; Haas, K. A.; Fischer, S.; Fischer, E.; Duchardt-Ferner, E.; Wöhnert, J.; Backofen, R.; Marchfelder, A. Essential Requirements for the Detection and Degradation of Invaders by the Haloferax Volcanii CRISPR/Cas System I-B. RNA Biol 2013, 10 (5), 865–874.


Peters, K.; Niessen, M.; Peterhänsel, C.; Späth, B.; Hölzle, A.; Binder, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Braun, H.-P. Complex I-Complex II Ratio Strongly Differs in Various Organs of Arabidopsis Thaliana. Plant Mol Biol 2012, 79 (3), 273–284.


Marchfelder, A.; Fischer, S.; Brendel, J.; Stoll, B.; Maier, L.-K.; Jäger, D.; Prasse, D.; Plagens, A.; Schmitz, R. A.; Randau, L. Small RNAs for Defence and Regulation in Archaea. Extremophiles 2012, 16 (5), 685–696.


Maier, L.-K.; Fischer, S.; Stoll, B.; Brendel, J.; Pfeiffer, F.; Dyall-Smith, M.; Marchfelder, A. The Immune System of Halophilic Archaea. Mob Genet Elements 2012, 2 (5), 228–232.


Hölzle, A.; Stoll, B.; Schnattinger, T.; Schöning, U.; Tjaden, B.; Marchfelder, A. tRNA-like Elements in Haloferax Volcanii. Biochimie 2012, 94 (4), 940–946.


Heyer, R.; Dörr, M.; Jellen-Ritter, A.; Späth, B.; Babski, J.; Jaschinski, K.; Soppa, J.; Marchfelder, A. High Throughput Sequencing Reveals a Plethora of Small RNAs Including tRNA Derived Fragments in Haloferax Volcanii. RNA Biol 2012, 9 (7), 1011–1018.


Fischer, S.; Maier, L.-K.; Stoll, B.; Brendel, J.; Fischer, E.; Pfeiffer, F.; Dyall-Smith, M.; Marchfelder, A. An Archaeal Immune System Can Detect Multiple Protospacer Adjacent Motifs (PAMs) to Target Invader DNA. J Biol Chem 2012, 287 (40), 33351–33363.


Fischer, S.; John von Freyend, S.; Sabag-Daigle, A.; Daniels, C. J.; Allers, T.; Marchfelder, A. Assigning a Function to a Conserved Archaeal Metallo-β-Lactamase from Haloferax Volcanii. Extremophiles 2012, 16 (2), 333–343.


Hammann, C.; Hartmann, R. K.; Helm, M.; Klostermeier, D.; Marchfelder, A.; Suess, B.; Vörtler, S. Regulatory RNAs and Beyond. EMBO Rep 2011, 12 (8), 751–753.


Fischer, S.; Benz, J.; Späth, B.; Jellen-Ritter, A.; Heyer, R.; Dörr, M.; Maier, L.-K.; Menzel-Hobeck, C.; Lehr, M.; Jantzer, K.; Babski, J.; Soppa, J.; Marchfelder, A. Regulatory RNAs in Haloferax Volcanii. Biochem Soc Trans 2011, 39 (1), 159–162.


Babski, J.; Tjaden, B.; Voss, B.; Jellen-Ritter, A.; Marchfelder, A.; Hess, W. R.; Soppa, J. Bioinformatic Prediction and Experimental Verification of sRNAs in the Haloarchaeon Haloferax Volcanii. RNA Biol 2011, 8 (5), 806–816.


Fischer, S.; Benz, J.; Späth, B.; Maier, L.-K.; Straub, J.; Granzow, M.; Raabe, M.; Urlaub, H.; Hoffmann, J.; Brutschy, B.; Allers, T.; Soppa, J.; Marchfelder, A. The Archaeal Lsm Protein Binds to Small RNAs. J Biol Chem 2010, 285 (45), 34429–34438.


Straub, J.; Brenneis, M.; Jellen-Ritter, A.; Heyer, R.; Soppa, J.; Marchfelder, A. Small RNAs in Haloarchaea: Identification, Differential Expression and Biological Function. RNA Biol 2009, 6 (3), 281–292.


Soppa, J.; Straub, J.; Brenneis, M.; Jellen-Ritter, A.; Heyer, R.; Fischer, S.; Granzow, M.; Voss, B.; Hess, W. R.; Tjaden, B.; Marchfelder, A. Small RNAs of the Halophilic Archaeon Haloferax Volcanii. Biochem Soc Trans 2009, 37 (Pt 1), 133–136.


Hartmann, R. K.; Gössringer, M.; Späth, B.; Fischer, S.; Marchfelder, A. The Making of tRNAs and More - RNase P and tRNase Z. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 2009, 85, 319–368.


Canino, G.; Bocian, E.; Barbezier, N.; Echeverría, M.; Forner, J.; Binder, S.; Marchfelder, A. Arabidopsis Encodes Four tRNase Z Enzymes. Plant Physiol 2009, 150 (3), 1494–1502.


Barbezier, N.; Canino, G.; Rodor, J.; Jobet, E.; Saez-Vasquez, J.; Marchfelder, A.; Echeverría, M. Processing of a Dicistronic tRNA-snoRNA Precursor: Combined Analysis in Vitro and in Vivo Reveals Alternate Pathways and Coupling to Assembly of snoRNP. Plant Physiol 2009, 150 (3), 1598–1610.


Späth, B.; Schubert, S.; Lieberoth, A.; Settele, F.; Schütz, S.; Fischer, S.; Marchfelder, A. Two Archaeal tRNase Z Enzymes: Similar but Different. Arch Microbiol 2008, 190 (3), 301–308.


Hölzle, A.; Fischer, S.; Heyer, R.; Schütz, S.; Zacharias, M.; Walther, P.; Allers, T.; Marchfelder, A. Maturation of the 5S rRNA 5’ End Is Catalyzed in Vitro by the Endonuclease tRNase Z in the Archaeon H. Volcanii. RNA 2008, 14 (5), 928–937.


Späth, B.; Settele, F.; Schilling, O.; D’Angelo, I.; Vogel, A.; Feldmann, I.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Marchfelder, A. Metal Requirements and Phosphodiesterase Activity of tRNase Z Enzymes. Biochemistry 2007, 46 (51), 14742–14750.


Späth, B.; Canino, G.; Marchfelder, A. tRNase Z: The End Is Not in Sight. Cell Mol Life Sci 2007, 64 (18), 2404–2412.


Hammann, C.; Hartmann, R. K.; Marchfelder, A. 25 Years of Catalytic RNA: Looking Younger than Ever! Biol Chem 2007, 388 (7), 659–660.


Vogel, A.; Schilling, O.; Späth, B.; Marchfelder, A. The tRNase Z Family of Proteins: Physiological Functions, Substrate Specificity and Structural Properties. Biol Chem 2005, 386 (12), 1253–1264.


Späth, B.; Kirchner, S.; Vogel, A.; Schubert, S.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Aymanns, S.; Nezzar, J.; Marchfelder, A. Analysis of the Functional Modules of the tRNA 3’ Endonuclease (tRNase Z). J Biol Chem 2005, 280 (42), 35440–35447.


Schilling, O.; Vogel, A.; Kostelecky, B.; Natal da Luz, H.; Spemann, D.; Späth, B.; Marchfelder, A.; Tröger, W.; Meyer-Klaucke, W. Zinc- and Iron-Dependent Cytosolic Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Domain Proteins Exhibit Similar Zinc-Binding Affinities, Independent of an Atypical Glutamate at the  Metal-Binding Site. Biochem J 2005, 385 (Pt 1), 145–153.


Schilling, O.; Späth, B.; Kostelecky, B.; Marchfelder, A.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Vogel, A. Exosite Modules Guide Substrate Recognition in the ZiPD/ElaC Protein Family. J Biol Chem 2005, 280 (18), 17857–17862.


Marchfelder, A.; Hartmann, R. K. Highlight: RNA Biochemistry. Biol Chem 2005, 386 (12), 1203.


Dubrovsky, E. B.; Dubrovskaya, V. A.; Levinger, L.; Schiffer, S.; Marchfelder, A. Drosophila RNase Z Processes Mitochondrial and Nuclear Pre-tRNA 3’ Ends in Vivo. Nucleic Acids Res 2004, 32 (1), 255–262.


Schiffer, S.; Rösch, S.; Marchfelder, A. Recombinant RNase Z Does Not Recognize CCA as Part of the tRNA and Its Cleavage Efficieny Is Influenced by Acceptor Stem Length. Biol Chem 2003, 384 (3), 333–342.


Pellegrini, O.; Nezzar, J.; Marchfelder, A.; Putzer, H.; Condon, C. Endonucleolytic Processing of CCA-Less tRNA Precursors by RNase Z in Bacillus Subtilis. EMBO J 2003, 22 (17), 4534–4543.


Kruszka, K.; Barneche, F.; Guyot, R.; Ailhas, J.; Meneau, I.; Schiffer, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Echeverría, M. Plant Dicistronic tRNA-snoRNA Genes: A New Mode of Expression of the Small Nucleolar RNAs Processed by RNase Z. EMBO J 2003, 22 (3), 621–632.


Schiffer, S.; Rösch, S.; Marchfelder, A. Assigning a Function to a Conserved Group of Proteins: The tRNA 3’-Processing Enzymes. EMBO J 2002, 21 (11), 2769–2777.


Schierling, K.; Rösch, S.; Rupprecht, R.; Schiffer, S.; Marchfelder, A. tRNA 3’ End Maturation in Archaea Has Eukaryotic Features: The RNase Z from Haloferax Volcanii. J Mol Biol 2002, 316 (4), 895–902.


Schürer, H.; Schiffer, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Mörl, M. This Is the End: Processing, Editing and Repair at the tRNA 3’-Terminus. Biol Chem 2001, 382 (8), 1147–1156.


Schiffer, S.; Helm, M.; Théobald-Dietrich, A.; Giegé, R.; Marchfelder, A. The Plant tRNA 3’ Processing Enzyme Has a Broad Substrate Spectrum. Biochemistry 2001, 40 (28), 8264–8272.


Mörl, M.; Marchfelder, A. The Final Cut. The Importance of tRNA 3’-Processing. EMBO Rep 2001, 2 (1), 17–20.


Mayer, M.; Schiffer, S.; Marchfelder, A. tRNA 3’ Processing in Plants: Nuclear and Mitochondrial Activities Differ. Biochemistry 2000, 39 (8), 2096–2105.


Brennicke, A.; Marchfelder, A.; Binder, S. RNA Editing. FEMS Microbiol Rev 1999, 23 (3), 297–316.


Schock, I.; Maréchal-Drouard, L.; Marchfelder, A.; Binder, S. Processing of Plant Mitochondrial tRNAGly and tRNASer(GCU) Is Independent of RNA Editing. Mol Gen Genet 1998, 257 (5), 554–560.


Marchfelder, A.; Clayton, D. A.; Brennicke, A. The Gene for Ribosomal Protein L7a-1 in Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Contains an Intron after the Initiation Codon. Biochim Biophys Acta 1998, 1397 (2), 146–150.


Kunzmann, A.; Brennicke, A.; Marchfelder, A. 5’ End Maturation and RNA Editing Have to Precede tRNA 3’ Processing in Plant Mitochondria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998, 95 (1), 108–113.


Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A.; Binder, S. RNA Editing Is Required for Efficient Excision of tRNA(Phe) from Precursors in Plant Mitochondria. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (4), 1898–1903.


Binder, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A. Regulation of Gene Expression in Plant Mitochondria. Plant Mol Biol 1996, 32 (1–2), 303–314.


Marchfelder, A. Plant Mitochondrial RNase P. Mol Biol Rep 1995, 22 (2–3), 151–156.


Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A. Characterization and Partial Purification of tRNA Processing Activities from Potato Mitochondria. Plant Physiol 1994, 105 (4), 1247–1254.


Binder, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A. RNA Editing of tRNA(Phe) and tRNA(Cys) in Mitochondria of Oenothera Berteriana Is Initiated in Precursor Molecules. Mol Gen Genet 1994, 244 (1), 67–74.


Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A. Plant Mitochondrial RNase P and E. Coli RNase P Have Different Substrate Specificities. Biochem Mol Biol Int 1993, 29 (4), 621–633.


Binder, S.; Marchfelder, A.; Brennicke, A.; Wissinger, B. RNA Editing in Trans-Splicing Intron Sequences of Nad2 mRNAs in Oenothera Mitochondria. J Biol Chem 1992, 267 (11), 7615–7623.


Marchfelder, A.; Schuster, W.; Brennicke, A. In Vitro Processing of Mitochondrial and Plastid Derived tRNA Precursors in a Plant Mitochondrial Extract. Nucleic Acids Res 1990, 18 (6), 1401–1406.