Are you interested in learning about different topics revolving around the wider topic of ecosystem ecology in the light of climate change? But with insights into sociological topics, discourse with the public and management?

In our WP "Transdisciplinary learning modules" we are offering two major activities: An online course (open to all interested persons) and a yearly summer school (open to members of the partner organisations).

Both are highly transdisciplinary learning activities that offer a broad spectrum of topics, from basics to latest research. Check out the links with more information or contact us!

Logo des Projekts EcoSocMan, Rund, mit einem Baum, einem Mensch und stilisiertem Boden


Dr. Eva Keppner
Raum: M24/570
Tel.: +49-(0)731-50 23 93 0


Prof. Dr. Michael Hiete

Helmholtzstr. 18, E22

Fon: 0731 50-30711

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