Back to Lake Federsee and direct interaction
After numerous online meetings, almost 70 CRC 1279 members, as well as scientific advisors and guests, clearly enjoyed to meet in-person to present and discuss science at the symposium in Bad Buchau (Oct. 17 and 18). Significant progress was reported in all projects and often presented by PhD students and junior scientists. In addition, Prof. Martin Lohse (ISAR Biosciences) provided exciting insights into the mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling and interaction. He demonstrated how state-of-the-art technologies can be used to visualize fundamental cellular processes. GPCRs are the target of many drugs and the presentation stimulated a lot of interest and many questions. As a new event, the scientific “speed dating” was well received and vividly used by the students to interact after a long period of limited direct interaction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, not only the coffee breaks, dinner and get-togethers were used for exchange of ideas. Some CRC members even managed to find an open bar at Bad Buchau, allowing intense scientific exchange almost until the early morning, intensifying collaborations or establishing new ones. Altogether, the symposium was a success in strengthening scientific as well personal interactions and all members are looking forward to the next one.