Panoramabild vom Ulmer Donau-Ufer, aus Neu-Ulm fotografiert

Summer Course: Basic Biomechanics 2025


The aim of this course is to train clinicians and biomedical engineers in basic principles of biomechanics. It will allow the participants to gain knowledge in planning and conducting biomechanical experiments by a balanced mixture of 7 lectures and 12 laboratories. The number of participants is limited to 20 in order to guarantee a maximum efficiency for the single participant.

How many participants?Max. 20
Costs?1250 €
(880 € very early bird until 31.01.2025;
 990 € until 31.05.2025)

 Please download the preliminary flyer for further information. 


Evaluation by 2024's participants


Host Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, Ulm University, Director: Prof. Dr. Anita Ignatius
Chairman Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Wilke
Local Committee Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Wilke, Brigitte Siegel
in cooperation with "Akademie für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Technik" at Ulm University


For informations about accomodation in Ulm please follow this link


Since 2023 the Hengstberger-Stiftung is sponsoring the course. Furthermore, Eurospine members may apply for a support. For information contact Ms. Siegel.


Please register by using this registration form.


Contact persons

Prof. Dr.  Hans-Joachim Wilke

Associate Director
Mechanical Engineer
Group head of spine biomechanics

Tel.: +49 731 500-55320
Fax: +49 731 500-55302

Brigitte Siegel

Medical Documentalist
Institute secretary

Tel.: +49 731 500-55301
Fax: +49 731 500-55302

Images of the 2024 course