32nd International Summer School of Epidemiology

This International Summer School of Epidemiology is recognized as an element of Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity by the Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany, and has been awarded 23 credit points in category „C“ (with 18 education units) in the last years. Medical Doctors must report these credit points to the “LÄK BW”.

Course Overview


Course 1 - Introduction to Principles of Epidemiology, Jessie K. Edwards, PhD, Associate Professor

Course 2 - Advanced Analytic Methods in Observational Epidemiology, Caroline A. Thompson, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor

Course 3 - Communicating science to the public, Amy Sayle, PhD

Course 4 - Clinical Epidemiology, Sonia Napravnik, PhD, Associate Professor