(Common) Questions & Answers
1. I'm interested in writing a student thesis at your institute. What do I have to do?
--> Please check the open topics that are listed below. If you are interested in any of them, please write an email to the mentioned contact person. Please also read the brief information given for each topic (and the mentioned references) as well as the Structure, organisation, and writing tips given here.
2. Can I write a student thesis with an industry partner?
--> Yes! We welcome student theses that are written in cooperation with an industry partner (e. g., while you are working as an intern or a working student). Please write a research proposal and clearly state that the thesis should be written in cooperation with an industry partner. The range of topics is wider in the case in which the industry partner provides some supervision and / or data. In the past, students were writing theses with companies such as Commerzbank, Daimler Fin. Services, KPMG, Savings Bank Ulm, Solactive, or XAIA.
3. I need Professor Guettler to sign the application of my student thesis (as first supervisor). What do I have to do?
--> Please send the completed application form (with your name & matriculation number, title of the thesis, starting date, and your signature) as a PDF document by email to Professor Guettler. He will reply ASAP and you can send the application form to the student secretary.
4. I would like to ask Professor Guettler to act as second supervisor for my master thesis (Master of Finance and older PO). What do I have to do to ask whether he is available? How do I obtain his signature? Do I need to discuss my research in detail?
--> Please send Professor Guettler an email to ask whether he is available as a second supervisor. Mention the title of your thesis and your first supervisor. In case he agrees to act as second supervisor, please send the completed application form (with your name & matriculation number, title of the thesis, starting date, your signature, and the signature of the first supervisor) as a PDF document by email to Professor Guettler. He will reply ASAP and you can send the application form to the student secretary.
5. How long does it take until the thesis is graded?
--> This depends on the type of your thesis. If Professor Guettler acts as first supervisor, the thesis is graded within six weeks in more than 97.5 % of the cases. Thus, grades for the Bachelor thesis are done by then. For a Master thesis, you have to add some time for the second supervisor.
6. Can I suggest my own research idea?
--> We welcome proposals for empirical student theses (BSc/MSc) in the area of asset management / banking / DeFi / crypto assets / blockchain / credit ratings. Proposals are restricted to one page and should describe the research question, the necessary data / how to get access to the data (lack of data is a deal breaker!), and hypotheses. Please note your preferred start date and send your proposal as a pdf file to Andre Guettler.
7. How many JEL codes are recommended?
--> There is no overall fit to every thesis; in some cases with a narrow topic there may be only one suitable JEL codes, which is completely fine. In other cases, you may find three or four suitable JEL codes.
8. I write my master thesis with Professor Guettler as first supervisor. How should I handle the selection of the second supervisor (if necessary)?
--> The usual process is the following: Professor Guettler is recommending a second supervisor among colleagues from Ulm University. You either follow the suggestion or search on your own for someone else . Most students reach out to the suggested colleague by email and kindly ask to act as second supervisor (mention the topic and add the research proposal if available).
9. Do I need to present the results of my thesis in person?
--> No, given that a presentation is not mandatory according to the study and examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnung").
10. I need data from Datastream. How can I access these data?
--> Check this link here.
11. Where do I find more specific information with respect to formatting the thesis, length, literature review and the like?
--> You will find such kind of information here.
12. Will Prof. Guettler or a team member of the Institute provide any feedback close to submission deadline?
-→ You can send a complete version of your thesis 1-2 weeks before your submission deadline to the respective direct supervisor. They will provide you general feedback with respect to formatting, table of contents etc.