Introduction to Survival Analysis

Lecturer: Jan Beyersmann
Exercises taught by:
Karin Schiefele

General Information

Lectures2 h
Exercises1 h

Time and Venue

LecturesTuesday 4:00 pm-6:00 pm, Helmholtzstr. 18, Room 120

ExerciseMonday 12:00 am-01:00 pm O27/121


Written Exam: 11.02.2014, 16h00-18h00, H3

Retake Exam: 31.03.2014, 11h00-13h00, H11

General Informations:

Prerequisites:The level of the course is that of a last year's bachelor course in Mathematical Biometry.
Exam:In order to be admitted to the exam, students must have made a meaningful attempt to solve at least 80% of all Problems.


Time-to-event data are ubiquitous in fields such as medicine, biology, demography, sociology, economics and reliability theory. In biomedical research, the analysis of time-to-death (hence the name survival analysis) or time to some composite endpoint such as progression-free survival is the most prominent advanced statistical technique. One distinguishing feature is that the data are typically incompletely observed - one has to wait for an event to happen. If the event has not happened by the end of the observation period, the observation is said to be right-censored. This is one reason why the analysis of time-to-event data is based on hazards. This course will emphasize the modern process point of view towards survival data without diving too far into the technicalities.


Exercise Sheets:

The exercise sheets are on the SLC.


Aalen, Borgan, Gjessing: Survival and Event History Analysis, Springer 2008


Lecture Notes
The script of the lecture is now available. Contact Karin Schiefele to provide you the script.