Dr. rer. pol. Martin Kies, Dipl.-Math. oec.


  • 2006 - 2012: Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematik, Universität Ulm
  • 2012 - 2020: Promotionsstudent unter Prof. Sebastian Kranz, Universität Ulm


SoSe 2018:

WiSe 2017/2018: 

SoSe 2017:

WiSe 2016/2017: 

SoSe 2016:

WiSe 2015/2016: 

SoSe 2015:

WiSe 2014/2015:

SoSe 2014:

WiSe 2013/2014:

SoSe 2013:



Kies (2017): Impacts of Sponsored Data on Infrastructure Investments and Welfare

Kies (2020): Finding Best Answers for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Using ImprovedQ-Learning

Collin und Kies (2020): Impact of Near-Time Information for Prediction on MicroeconomicBalanced Time Series Data using Different Machine Learning Methods

Verbeet u. a. (2020): Realization of a Cooperative Human-Robot-Picking by a LearningMulti-Robot-System Using BDI-Agents


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