Dr. Janina Kleinknecht
- 2008 - 2011: Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Hohenheim
- 2011 - 2014: Master in Economics, Universität Hohenheim
- 2015 - 2019: Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Dr. rer. pol.; summa cum laude), Universität Ulm, Titel der Doktorarbeit: "Essays on cooperative behavior and the impact of information on self-assessments and performance" (Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling, Prof. Dr. Sandra Ludwig, Prof. Dr. Verena Utikal)
Wintersemester 22/23:
- Strategische Interaktion (WS 22/23)
- Seminar Sportökonomik (WS 22/23)
- Seminar Strategische Entscheidungen (WS 22/23)
Vergangene Semester:
- Industrieökonomik (SoSe 2016, SoSe 2017, SoSe 2018, SoSe 2019, SoSe 2020, SoSe 2021)
- Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung (WS 17/18, WS 18/19, WS 19/20, WS 20/21)
- Makroökonomik (WS 16/17)
- Seminar in empirische und experimentelle Mikroökonomik (SoSe 2021)
- Seminar Verhaltensökonomik (SoSe 2016, SoSe 2017, WS 17/18, SoSe 2018, SoSe 2019, WS 19/20, SoSe 2020)
- Seminar Sportökonomik (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2019, SoSe 2020, WS 20/21)
- Seminar Strategische Entscheidungen (WS 16/17, SoSe 2022)
- Sportökonomik
- Verhaltensökonomik
- Industrieökonomik
- Kleinknecht, J. (2019). A man of his word? An experiment on gender differences in promise keeping. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 168, 251-268.
- Kleinknecht, J., Würtenberger, D. (2022). Information Effects of Managerial Turnover on Effort and Performance: Evidence from the German Bundesliga. Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 43, Issue 3, 791-812.
- Fellner-Röhling, G., Hromek, K., Kleinknecht, J., Ludwig, S. (2023). How to counteract biased self-assessments? An experimental investigation of reactions to social information, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 206, 1-25.
Fellner-Röhling, G., Hromek, K., Kleinknecht, J., Ludwig, S. (2019). Reciprocal Reactions to (In) transparent Task Assignments: An Experimental Investigation
Kleinknecht, J., Ulmer, C. (2021). Under the shadow of the future: Gender-specific reactions to (un)certain future interactions
Kleinknecht, J., Rieber, A., Würtenberger, D. (2021). Informational effects in a competitive environment: large-scale evidence from table tennis
Laufende Forschungsprojekte
- Behavioral channels of peer effects (in Koautorenschaft mit G. Fellner-Röhling und D. Würtenberger)
- Perception of affirmative action policies (in Koautorenschaft mit G. Fellner-Röhling, S. Ludwig, V. Utikal)
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