Thomas Wilhelm




+49 (0)731/50-23555


+49 (0)731/50-23649


  • Raum-Nr. 1.44
    Helmholtzstr. 18
    89069 Ulm


nach Vereinbarung



  • M. Weber, T. Wilhelm and V. Schmidt, Multidimensional characterization of time-dependent image data: A case study for the peripheral nervous system in aging mice. (pdf). Image Analysis & Stereology 40 (2021), 85-94.
  • T. Wilhelm, J. Sandbrink, O. Furat, K. Bachmann, M. Rudolph and V. Schmidt, Parametric stochastic modeling of particle descriptor vectors for studying the influence of ultrafine particle wettability and morphology on flotation-based separation behavior. (pdf). Powders 2 (2023), 353-371.
  • F. Strube, T. Wilhelm, J. Sygusch, B.M. Guy, O. Furat, V. Schmidt and M. Rudolph, Investigating the influence of particle size and shape on froth-flotation-based beneficiation of lithium-rich minerals in slags. (pdf). Proceedings of the International Mineral Processing Congress IMPC2024, National Harbor, Washington, DC (2024), 3167-3175.
  • J. Sygusch, T. Wilhelm, O. Furat, K. Bachmann, V. Schmidt and M. Rudolph, Application of multivariate Tromp functions for evaluating the joint impact of particle size, shape and wettability on the separation of ultrafine particles via flotation. (pdf). Powders 3 (2024), 338-366.
  • J. Sygusch, T. Wilhelm, O. Furat, V. Schmidt and M. Rudolph, Investigating the multidimensional separation behavior of particles in a cyclosizer setting - A case study on calcite, fluorite and magnesite. (pdf). Proceedings of the International Mineral Processing Congress IMPC2024, National Harbor, Washington, DC (2024), 2073-2083.
  • T. Wilhelm, T. Vo, O. Furat, U.A. Peuker and V. Schmidt. Virtual reassembling of 3D fragments for the data-driven analysis of fracture mechanisms in multi-component materials. (pdf). Computational Materials Science 242 (2024), 113065.

Lehrtätigkeit als Übungsleiter

Semester Veranstaltung
WS 2021/22 Wirtschaftsstatistik und Ökonometrie
WS 2022/23

Angewandte Stochastik 2

WS 2023/24 Höhere Mathematik 2