Florian Werner

Universität Ulm
Institut für Optimierung und Operations Research
89081 Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 18 / Raum 1.49
Wintersemester 2023/24
- Optimization 2
- Angewandte Diskrete Mathematik
Sommersemester 2023
- Advanced Graph Theory with Applications
Wintersemester 2022/23
- Mathematics of Machine Learning
- Angewandte Diskrete Mathematik
Sommersemeseter 2022
- Optimierung 1
Mostar index and bounded maximum degree arXiv
Irregularity of Graphs respecting Degree Bounds arXiv
Bounding the Mostar index arXiv
Maximizing the Mostar index for bipartite graphs and split graphs arXiv, Discrete Optimization