Dr. Johannes Pardey

Universität Ulm
Institut für Optimierung und Operations Research
89081 Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 18 / Raum 1.48
Sommersemester 2023
- Mathematics of Games
Wintersemester 2022/23
- Optimization 2
- Kombinatorik
Sommersemeseter 2022
- Mathematics of Games
Wintersemester 2021/22
- Optimization 2
- Graph Theory 1
Sommersemester 2021
- Mathematics of Games
- Graph Theory 2
Wintersemester 2020/21
- Optimization 2
- Graph Theory 1
Balanced edge-labelings in graphs and related concepts (Dissertation) OPARU
Mostar index and bounded maximum degree arXiv
Vertex degrees close to the average degree arXiv
Bounding the Mostar index arXiv
Maximizing the Mostar index for bipartite graphs and split graphs arXiv, Discrete Optimization
Majority Edge-Colorings of Graphs arXiv, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Relating the independence number and the dissociation number arXiv, Journal of Graph Theory
A bound on the dissociation number arXiv, Journal of Graph Theory
Relating dissociation, independence, and matchings arXiv, Discrete Applied Mathematics
Diameter, edge-connectivity, and C4-freeness arXiv, Discrete Mathematics
Factorially many maximum matchings close to the Erdős-Gallai bound arXiv, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Unbalanced spanning subgraphs in edge labeled complete graphs arXiv, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Almost color-balanced perfect matchings in color-balanced complete graphs arXiv, Discrete Mathematics
Efficiently finding low-sum copies of spanning forests in zero-sum complete graphs via conditional expectation arXiv, Discrete Applied Mathematics
Zero-sum copies of spanning forests in zero-sum complete graphs arXiv, Graphs and Combinatorics
Exponential Independence in Subcubic Graphs arXiv, Discrete Mathematics