ULME: Felix Miebs: An averaging framework for minimum-variance portfolios: Optimal rules for combining portfolio weights

Zeit : Donnerstag , 4:15 pm
Veranstalter : Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ort : Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstraße 18, 1.20

On Thursday, June 11, Felix Miebs (TH Cologne) presents his paper  in the ULME seminar.
"An averaging framework for minimum-variance portfolios: Optimal rules for combining portfolio weights" (see abstract below). 
Felix Miebs will be around in the afternoon. Please contakt Sandra Ludwig if you would like to talk to him.

We propose an averaging framework for combining minimum-variance strategies to either minimize the expected out-of-sample variance or maximize the expected out-of-sample Sharpe ratio. Our framework overcomes the problem of selecting the “best” strategy ex-ante by optimally averaging over portfolio weights. This averaging procedure has an intuitive economic interpretation because it resembles a fund-of-fund approach, where each minimum-variance strategy represents a single fund. In a range of simulations, for a set of well-established strategies, we show that optimally averaging over portfolio weights improves the out-of-sample variance and Sharpe ratio. We confirm the finding of our simulation study on empirical data.