ULME: Fabian Siuda: Vaccinations and the Costs of Human Interaction

Zeit : Donnerstag , 4:15 pm
Veranstalter : Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ort : Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstraße 18, 1.20

On Thursday November 7, Fabian Siuda (WU Vienna) in our ULME seminar (4:15 pm, Heho 18, 1.20)  giving a talk on “Vaccinations and the Costs of Human Interaction”.  

Fabian will be around on Thursday, if you want to talk to him, please let me know. We will also have dinner after the talk. Please let me know if you want to join us. Please let Sandra Ludwig know.



Every human contact carries the risk of becoming infected with an infectious disease. These infection risks constitute costs to human interaction that can be reduced through medical behavior such as vaccinations. We quantify these costs to human interaction and their reduction through vaccinations for a close contact service in a survey experiment. We exploit the substitutability of testing and vaccinations for infection risk reduction and randomize the vaccination status of the service provider. We find that vaccinations reduce the disease specific interaction costs by more than two thirds.