Forschungsseminar - Institut für Stochastik: Dr. Djordje Baralić: "Random Polyhedral Product Functors"

Zeit : Dienstag , ab 15:30 Uhr
Veranstalter : Institut für Stochastik
Ort : Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstraße 18, 220

Professor Spodarev und Professor Schmidt laden alle Interessierten für den Seminarvortrag von Dr. Djordje Baralić, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, herzlich ein:

Titel: "Random Polyhedral Product Functors"

Abstract: "Polyhedral product functors are the objects that unify several seemingly different areas of mathematics: toric topology, combinatorics, commutative algebra, complex geometry, symplectic geometry and geometric group theory. A broad class of topological spaces may be realized as polyhedral product functors, particularly moment-angle complexes and Davis-Januszkiewicz spaces. Understand as a functor from the category of simplicial complexes into the category of topological spaces, polyhedral product functor could be considered over the random simplicial complex in various probabilistic models. This construction provides a new connection between topology, probability, and statistics, with only a few results known."

Datum: Dienstag 19.11.2024 
Ort:  Raum 220, Helmholtzstraße 18
Zeit: 16:00 Uhr  

Davor gibt es ab 15:30 in Raum 200 (Helmholtzstraße 18) noch die Gelegenheit, sich zu einem Kaffee oder Tee zu treffen.

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